The Spectacle Podcast: Memory Wall: Why Young Americans Aren’t Blaming Biden for the Economy

KOENIG: A Healthy Dose of Skepticism Toward the LAGOP

VIDEO: On Conservatism, Populism And Revivalism

ZOLA: Fleming Needs To Do A Little Better Than This

Will Louisiana’s New Two-Democrat-District Congressional Map Be Thrown Out?

The Spectacle Podcast: This is the Last Straw. Biden Is Waging an All-Out War on Christianity.

Carville Isn’t Funny Anymore. He Isn’t Relevant, Either.

CROUERE: Trump Pays His Respects While Biden Displays Disrespect

CROUERE: The Vanishing Of The House GOP Majority

Trump Foe Frank Luntz Spells Out the Obvious for a CNN Panel

SADOW: Conservatives Win, Lose In Tough LA Environments

Katie Bernhardt Got Deposed Over The Weekend

Geaux Vote: A Reminder for Today’s RSCC, RPEC, and Presidential Nominee Elections

NOW The Advocate Finally Notices Louisiana’s Outmigration Problem…

The Spectacle Podcast: Pearl Davis Is Wrong About Mary

ALEXANDER: Trump Correct to Keep Focus on NATO Freeloaders

The Spectator Podcast: Wokeism Is a Cult; The Answer Is Faith; A Conversation With Carrie Sheffield

Austin Badon Is A Republican Now; Is This The Beginning Of A Trend?

Ban On Ranked-Choice Voting Approved by Senate Committee

KOENIG: Why Won’t the LAGOP Publicize the LA Republican Caucus?