
VIDEO: Johnson Blows Up Rockefeller Over Obamacare Race Card

By MacAoidh

May 22, 2014

Good stuff here, and we need to see more of it – and probably more vociferous examples outside of Senate committee rooms where threats of violence and projectiles are discouraged.

What you’ll see is a Senate hearing at which Democrat Jay Rockefeller, who is finally leaving his West Virginia seat, lazily throws out the race card as an explanation for why anyone would disapprove of Obamacare. And since Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is the only Republican in the room at the time and a fierce critic of the plan, he takes exception.

We’d like to see more of this, and like we said we’d like to see more of it in forums less inhibited than Senate hearings.

Calling someone a racist without evidence is one of the most intellectually vacant, overused and disreputable things anybody in American public discourse can do. It’s also perhaps the single best way to damage someone.

We saw this play out locally in Baton Rouge, when Metro Councilman Ryan Heck, who supports the movement to incorporate the city of St. George, was called a racist in a Facebook thread because of that support by some leftist nobody. Heck responded with outrage and challenged the nobody to support the charge or be willing to show up somewhere to take a beating.

This was reported by the New Orleans Times-Picayune and Baton Rouge Advocate as a mini-scandal, but Heck was correct in challenging his tormentor to fisticuffs. For too long conservatives and other opponents of the Left’s political agenda have been baselessly tarred with racism, and for too long those accusations have been hurled without any consequences to the hurlers. That needs to change. It’s time for the Left to begin to fear what might happen to them if they throw the race card around to the wrong people.

Chicago thug politics, bolstered by Alinskyite tactics of personal destruction, can’t be met by Marquis of Queensbury rules. They have to be met by nuclear weapons.

And while physical violence itself might be counterproductive, there’s nothing wrong with the hint of it to expose the lack of manhood and testicular fortitude of those who throw around such garbage. William F. Buckley showed how it’s done way back in 1968 after the useless Gore Vidal called him a “crypto-Nazi” during a 1968 debate…

Both parties survived the encounter, but Buckley was the Alpha male of the two and that was clear.

When the liars of the Left, which has nothing but the race card to offer in defense of their multiple and manifest failures, attempt to cover themselves with name-calling and false accusations, they need to be made a spectacle of. Ron Johnson, in a rather understated way, gave us an example.

It’s just too bad he didn’t tell Rockefeller if he kept on playing the race card he’d “stay plastered.” That would have been a cherry on top.