Government & Policy

APPEL: The Democrats Own The Border Disaster. Completely.

By Sen. Conrad Appel

March 23, 2021

The feverish effort that the Democrats are surreptitiously employing to beef up their voter rolls has resulted in the disaster at the border. The photographs that the Biden administration’s minions and handlers are trying to suppress tell the tale, young people forced into plastic cages by the thousands, untold numbers with COVID. Thousands of individuals and families being released without even a summons to appear. No effort whatsoever to control the border.

Through all of this unnecessary chaos no one has bothered to answer a simple question, what is the effect of unraveling the viable Trump border controls going to have on the long-term viability of the Latin American countries?

The Democrats ignore this important issue as they claim that the flood of immigrants are because they are being persecuted at home, but to look at them they are well fed and well dressed, hardly what one would expect from someone fleeing persecution. Listening to the newcomers they say that they have come because Biden promised them access to American generosity.

So, the fact is that despite the Democratic Big Lie, these poor folks have come here to seek a better life. The level of crime and corruption in their home countries has destroyed their economic future and with it their future. It is not persecution they flee; it is a lack of opportunity.

What bothers me most is not the absolute hypocrisy of the Democratic Party’s efforts to increase their voters at the expense of lower income American citizens; dependable Democratic voters that have been fooled into supporting a Party that seeks to keep them chained to the government handouts as the immigrants take their jobs. What bothers me most is the fact that the Democrats are exacerbating the decline in the long-term security of those Central American countries that the illegal aliens have fled from.

It works like this. The people who are coming across our border are some of the most ambitious, and probably most educated, of those in the Latin countries. In effect we are encouraging the depopulation of the very people that would ever have a chance to correct the direction of their home nations. And we are leaving those countries in the hands of those who will not flee because they benefit from the corruption. Without citizens who have a personal interest in making their countries work, people will in greater numbers continue to come here, and the crime and corruption in the countries they have fled will get even worse as the economies shrink.

If we had honest leadership in our country, we would, after a reasonable time, force the immigrants to return, institute a workable temporary worker program, protect American citizens’ jobs, and encourage in-country reform efforts to make the Latin countries safe and reasonably prosperous again. We are doing the opposite.

The people of both parties who have and are now leading our country are intellectually corrupt, not wholly dissimilar to the abject corruption in Latin America. We should be ashamed of what for decades we have allowed to occur. Today we should revile what the Democrats are doing because below our border things will worsen.

I do not blame the immigrants for wanting a better life, but we must protect our workers and taxpayers too; to that extent we must have a workable legal immigration system. But in order to get there I believe only tough love, both here and abroad, can fix what a lack of reasonable policy and enforcement have broken.

The best way to slow the illegal flow of prosperity seekers is to create a reason for them to want to stay home. And I do not mean the way Democrats think, pouring billions of US dollars into giveaway programs. We need to identify and encourage positive, honest leadership in Latin America, leadership that will encourage a growing economy that will help Latin Americans prosper. In order for that to work there must be a core population that shares the same ambitions as our people, a population that has a stake in honest government. Only then is there a chance to create lasting stability and growth below our border.