Government & Policy

APPEL: Compromising With Stupidity And Corruption Gets You Last Place

By Sen. Conrad Appel

May 20, 2021

I am not clear on what is happening with the GOP in the House. There has been a whole lot of rancor on the Republican side this week after what happened to Rep. Ray Garofalo (R-Meraux), as he was booted out of his chairmanship of the House Education Committee over his worthy bill to stop Critical Race Theory in Louisiana’s schools. As LAGOP chairman Louis Gurvich wrote here at The Hayride this morning

Now I should be remiss if I failed to mention that I for one find the spectacle of a cabal of left-wing Democrats extorting political favors from a Republican speaker, to be alarming in the extreme. Political extortion, once used successfully, is exactly like the real thing – blackmailers usually increase the frequency and amount of their demands over time, and that may be what is happening today.

And Hayride publisher Scott McKay wrote yesterday at The American Spectator in regard to this controversy…

The most astute of our readers, having plowed through this, will likely scratch their heads and say, “What’s wrong with this guy? All he has to do is make his peace with his own delegation and he becomes bulletproof against the Black Caucus threats. It’s so simple.” That’s correct. And to provide even more clarity for how correct it is, six of the 16 committee chairmanships in the Louisiana House are held by Black Caucus members. Its chairman, a Democrat from Baton Rouge named Ted James, is the chair of the Criminal Justice Committee. The obvious play for Schexnayder would have been to say, “Garofalo is my Education chair, and he stays. His bill goes to the House floor, and it passes. For the sin of attacking one of my committee chairs, I’m sacking you, Rep. James, and giving your committee to one of my Republican detractors to solidify their support. And I expect ‘yes’ votes on my tax package from each of the other five committee chairmen who are Black Caucus members. If they aren’t willing to do that, I’ll be sacking them and replacing them with newfound GOP allies, too.”

As I said, I am not clear on exactly what is going on behind the scenes.

But I am clear that just as when I was there, there were many faux “Republicans” who thought we were always supposed to play nice with the Democrats and the governor. Let me make this clear, compromise sounds good, but the GOP is being played by the Black Caucus like a beautiful Stradivarius.

All compromise with Democrats ever got us was to grant them more legislative power than their numbers should have allowed for! Enough with the compromise stuff already, legislators need to stand up for our state by voting the way they were elected to vote.

Where we are, last place in about everything, is the result of years of compromise!