Government & Policy

The Cowardice Of The Louisiana Supreme Court Is Not Impressive

By MacAoidh

July 07, 2022

There really is no legal basis behind the leftist Democrat New Orleans judge Robin Giarrusso, a nondescript member of a nondescript hack politician family fused to the Landrieu gang which used to dominate that city, granting an injunction against Louisiana’s abortion laws going into effect and therefore keeping afloat the abortion industry in the state.

Roe v. Wade is no more. There is nothing preventing a duly-enacted law banning abortions in the state. Giarrusso’s injunction is politics, not law. Everybody knows this.

And the Louisiana Supreme Court knows it, which is why it was so underwhelming when the Supremes failed to dissolve the injunction earlier this week.

The Louisiana Supreme Court rejected the state attorney general’s request to allow immediate enforcement of state laws against most abortions in a 4-to-2 ruling late Wednesday. The majority said only that the court declined to get involved “at this preliminary stage.” Louisiana’s new laws included so-called triggers to make them take effect as soon as the U.S. Supreme Court reversed abortion rights. But a state judge in New Orleans blocked enforcement until he could hear a lawsuit claiming the law is unclear about medical exceptions and when the ban takes effect. “We look forward to the preliminary injunction hearing on Friday” in district court, said Joanna Wright, an attorney for the north Louisiana abortion clinic that filed the suit, along with others. Attorney General Jeff Landry tweeted, “Louisiana Supreme Court is delaying the inevitable. Our Legislature fulfilled their constitutional duties, and now the Judiciary must. It is disappointing that time is not immediate.”

The pro-life folks were understandably furious about the Supreme Court’s dithering. Louisiana Right To Life…

Tonight the Louisiana Supreme Court denied Attorney General Jeff Landry’s petition to dissolve the Temporary Restraining Order from Hope Medical Group. Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director of Louisiana Right to Life, said the following about their decision: “For decades, its has been the unambiguous position of Louisiana citizens and our legislators to protect babies from abortion. Now, Roe v. Wade has been emphatically overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, providing clear authority to Louisiana to enforce its pro-life law. It is the responsibility and within the legal authority of the Louisiana Supreme Court to uphold our laws from empty legal challenges. The Louisiana Supreme Court let Louisiana citizens down by not decisively defending our laws from pro-abortion delay tactics. Echoing Justice Crain’s compelling words, everyday this temporary restraining order remains in place leads to more babies lost from abortion. We are also disappointed in Chief Justice Weimer’s recusal. This matter is too important for the Chief Justice to sit on the sidelines over a separate political matter between him and the Attorney General. While these delays are a disgrace to our citizens, our legislators, and babies waiting to be born, we still remain confident that our pro-life laws will be upheld in time.”

Clapper is correct. Everybody knows what the ultimate result at the Supreme Court is going to be, so why would it matter that Giarrusso’s TRO is dissolved now?

And while the standard in these cases tends to be about doing the least harm, essentially what the Supreme Court is saying is that the interests of an abortion mill in Shreveport which might be put out of business sooner rather than later but for the TRO are more important than the interests of the unborn children fated to meet their deaths in that abattoir while the TRO is in place.

Which is monstrous logic, and not overly surprising that it would issue forth from the scandal-ridden clown Jeff Hughes, who wrote the majority opinion in the case.

The state’s Supreme Court can do better. It has a duty to do better. And right now, Will Crain and Jay McCallum, the two members of the Court dissenting from this cowardice, are the only ones we’re interested in seeing be re-elected.