
Hot Dog Hugh Andre Is The Democrats’ Favorite Republican In SD 22

By Louisiana Freedom Caucus PAC

October 05, 2023

If you’ve been watching the races in Senate District 22 between proven conservative Rep. Blake Miguez and wrestler Hugh Andre, the choice has just been made about as clearly as it can be made. Even if you set aside for the meantime the stories of Andre being responsible for intentionally burning dogs alive and the questions being raised by locals about whether foreign agricultural workers from Hugh Andre’s farm are working on his campaign, there is now a new sample ballot out from Democrats that makes things abundantly clear. Who do the Democrats know will better align with their issues, values and agenda to keep the Senate in the hands of the GOBs network?

You guessed it! Hugh Andre.

The “United Ballot” put forward by Democrats proudly lists Andre as their choice for Senate because they know that he is one of the same Good Old Boy (GOB) network has their back in the Louisiana legislature. It was the GOBs network who crossed the aisle to form the Fraud Squad to vote in RINO extraordinaire Clay Schexnayder as Speaker of the House. In exchange, Democrats were given committee chairmanships that should have gone to Republicans. That meant bills coming out of those committees were tainted by the Democrat agenda or they wouldn’t see the light of day.

Democrats, Shady Schexnayder and the rest of the GOBs also teamed up to spend more of your hard-earned tax dollars in a drunken-sailor spending orgy that took weeks after the legislature adjourned to even be able to figure out where all the money went!

And, as an extra added bonus for the Democrats in the legislature, Schexnayder gave every Democrat district in the legislature save one, a payment of ONE MILLION DOLLARS EACH in that spending frenzy in order to buy their support for voting to bust the spending limit set by the Louisiana State Constitution.

And Clay Schexnayder, not to mention his Senate counterpart and fellow RINO “Blank” Page Cortez, are fully on board with attempting to get Hot Dog Hugh elected. Here’s Cortez pumping Hot Dog Hugh…

And here’s Andre with another one of the RINO/Fraud Squad crowd, Rep. Paula Davis – who’s been openly suggesting she might build a coalition with Democrats to make herself Speaker next year…

By the way, it isn’t just the sleazy United Ballot backing Andre from the Democrat side. Here he is boasting the support of the Louisiana Federation of Teachers, the local chapter of the American Federation of Teachers. That’s the union headed by wacko communist groomer Randi Weingarten. Don’t think for one second that he’s put off by that association; these are Hot Dog Hugh’s pals.

The Democrats have made a complete disaster of every single area they control in the state of Louisiana and the GOBs are empowering them to do even more in the legislature. If you’re against the John Bel Edwards-style agenda, and you believe that the GOBs should not be able to give the chairmanships to Democrats and pollute the change that’s coming with our new, incoming governor, your choice is clear.

Get out and vote for the man you know will do the work for the people in this race: Rep. Blake Miguez. Don’t put Hot Dog Hugh anywhere near the capitol or you’ll get burned.