Government & Policy

Oh, Shut Up, Clancy DuBos

By MacAoidh

April 19, 2024

We occasionally return to the subject of the simpering, sycophantic dunce Clancy DuBos, who managed to create himself as a “respected” Louisiana political analyst out of operating an “alternative” rag advertising head shops and strip clubs over the course of several decades before John Georges bailed Gambit out of obsolescence.

DuBos is employed by one or other of the television stations in New Orleans to pontificate about Louisiana politics, a subject on which he is no expert other than to shill for the white-Democrat old guard which is virtually unknown in elective politics in this state at present – particularly given the results of last weekend’s state Democrat convention in which the old guard’s former chair Katie Bernhardt was dispatched without even being allowed to be renominated for another term.

In short, this is somebody who has a name but no juice. Clancy DuBos is a nothing. He still writes for Gambit, which is no longer his and has a meager readership remaining, if at all, and yet he’s still propped up by corporate media as someone relevant despite having no relevant or accurate understanding of state politics – something that has been true for several years now.

What DuBos can still do is attack conservatives. And in the pages of Gambit he’s done just that with a fiery diatribe against Jeff Landry.

The people of Louisiana stand at a crossroads right now. They can sit, silently and sheepishly, as their elected representatives slavishly enact a slew of authoritarian, anti-democratic (with a small “d”) bills backed by Gov. Jeff Landry — or stand up and loudly remind lawmakers who really controls their political fates. So far, the Clownfish is winning his war against transparency, the First Amendment and other cherished freedoms. It’s not too late to turn the tide, but time is short. Landry has ordered lawmakers to conclude the annual session two weeks early — on May 20 instead of June 3 — so that he can hastily ram through a wholesale rewrite of the state constitution and feed his lust for unbridled power. Before anyone reminds me that voters must approve any constitutional revisions, consider why Landry is so eager to get his drive-by constitution on the November ballot: He’s hoping his political hero, Donald Trump, will endorse it during a campaign stop in Louisiana, thereby enhancing its approval prospects. That is why voters must demand that lawmakers reject Landry’s power grabs now. The same is true of other bad-government bills Landry is pushing. As I mentioned in a recent column, Senate Bill 482 by state Sen. Heather Cloud, R-Turkey Creek, is the worst of the lot. Cloud’s bill would shred Louisiana’s Public Records Law by allowing all public officials and agencies to keep citizens from obtaining — or even viewing — records that they want to keep secret. Crooked officials could simply declare that such records were used in their “deliberative process,” and citizens would remain in the dark.

DuBos then proceeded into personal attacks on Landry and defended Louisiana’s public records law as some sort of model for the nation. He neglected to note that legislative and judicial deliberations are not available to the public under current law; only those of the governor and executive branch are. He also neglected to note the very meager use of public records requests by the Advocate, for whom he’s essentially an employee, during John Bel Edwards’ time in office. It might have been relevant to his broadside to note that nobody at the Advocate had much of a thirst for Edwards’ records surrounding the Ronald Greene case while other news organizations showed interest in it, and Clancy DuBos sure as hell didn’t give a damn about those records then.

Now it’s a five-alarm fire and everybody has to burn up the state capitol switchboard. You want transparency, Clancy DuBos is about as transparent a shill for the dead, corrupt old Swamp establishment in this state as you’ll ever see through.

We talked about this yesterday here at The Hayride, but it’s important to understand what DuBos is doing here. He is parroting the Advocate’s corporate line about “transparency,” which is a cover for a political campaign the Soros/left-wing foundation money is attempting to pull off. Specifically, the plan is to pour millions of dollars into deluging Jeff Landry’s administration with public records requests that must be processed by the various departments in the administration. That requires time, and it’s time which then can’t be spent reimagining state government or reforming those agencies.

And the products of those public records requests would then be used in an attempt to embarrass Landry’s administration.

DuBos is now paid by the Advocate, which means he’s paid – indirectly or otherwise – by those same Soros/left-wing foundations which are subsidizing that paper and its various connected entities of which Gambit is one.

The constitutional convention isn’t something we’ve talked a lot about, but virtually nothing the convention would produce is particularly new. These are all going to be ideas that conservatives have wanted for quite a while – they involve reforming the state tax structure, undedicating funds, simplifying state government, reorienting the relationship between state and local governments and so forth.

Nobody really knows what a new constitution would look like. But it’s anything but novel to think that a constitution written basically by Edwin Edwards and then amended some 200 times since then is due for a replacement now that Louisiana’s politics have changed so completely.

DuBos acts like this is some fascist power grab. No, Clancy, it’s just your side becoming obsolete and you lacking the maturity and introspection to understand the why and how.

Louisiana lobbyist, frequent Newsmax guest and occasional Hayride contributor Brian Trascher had a succinct and spot-on response to DuBos’ screechings…

After 8 years of the most corrupt administration since the other Edwards, Landry has act fast to right the ship quickly. The era of Louisiana Longism is at last in it's death rattle, and when the media starts freaking out by making up stories designed to scare low information…

— Brian Trascher (@BTrascher) April 19, 2024

Damned right.

Shut up, Clancy. Nobody cares about you and the cabal you shill for anymore.