Government & Policy

ALEXANDER: Government Has No Money for Hurricane Helene Victims Because $1 Billion Given to Illegals

By Royal Alexander

October 08, 2024

Does the Biden-Harris Administration care more about the millions of illegals coming across our southern border—500,000 or so we have now learned are criminals, including murderers and rapists—than it does about Americans in the storm-devastated United States whom it is obligated to serve and protect?

We are now learning that the Biden-Harris Administration spent over a billion dollars of FEMA money in the last two years to house illegals, tapping those funds that should be available now for Helene victims.  (The illegals often stay in nice hotels, are granted gift cards, and are served “culturally appropriate” foods while our homeless veterans often sleep on the sidewalks in front of those hotels.)

Have you followed the Helene disaster on TV? Cadaver dogs are still looking for bodies.  There is no water.  There is no electricity.  No food.  People have lost their homes. They are begging for help.  There is no way to communicate.  Private groups—like our Louisiana Cajun Navy of which I am so proud—are ID’ing bodies and offering help and rescue much faster than any federal agency.  It’s also worth noting that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has stated that no privately-owned drones may be operated in the devastated areas because doing so may cause “safety issues” with the drones of federal agencies.  Well, there aren’t any federal agencies using drones right now and our fellow citizens are in desperate shape.  Why is Elon Musk’s Starlink system, which would immediately provide communication in these areas, being resisted?  Is it because Musk is a Trump supporter?

In response, the Biden-Harris Administration has sent these victims, our fellow Americans, $750. (Our federal government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars overseas in the last 24 months).  It would be laughable if it weren’t so cruel.  How can our government be so criminally incompetent?

That’s why I was stunned to hear Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security, make the statement that FEMA has no money for victims of Hurricane Helene because it’s been spent in the settlement and housing of illegal aliens in America.  Mayorkas said FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the remainder of hurricane season, yet $640 million was recently allotted to DHS specifically for issues related to illegal immigrants.  (FOX News, 10-3-24).

This is risky and dangerous, as hurricane season does not end until November 30.  According to Fox News’s Chad Pergram, “Congress made sure FEMA had more than $20 billion in last week’s emergency spending bill ahead of the storm, but last year, Congress awarded DHS $640 million to help communities provide shelter and aid to people in the country illegally.” (Breitbart, Oct. 3, 2024)


After Secretary Mayorkas warned that FEMA “does not have the funds” to get through hurricane season, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody directly challenged the secretary over his comments, pointing out the more than $1 billion spent on illegal migrants.

Moody asserted “… they have taken the FEMA emergency food and shelter program and over time siphoned off hundreds of millions of dollars into basically making it an illegal immigrant resettlement program. So, when you see these states and cities around the nation declaring emergencies … because of what this Administration has done, encouraging more and more and more illegals, developing programs to encourage more and more and more people to come here.  Due to the Biden-Harris government, right now in Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, all of these states are hurting because of this truly natural disaster.  They’re saying we need more money, and of course they need more money because they’ve been laundering it away from its intended purpose.” (FOX News Oct. 3, 2024).

Mayorkas and FEMA “should immediately stop funding the relocation of illegal immigrants and use the money for hurricane-affected areas instead,” Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted, saying that Americans should be put first.  (The Economic Times, Oct 4, 2024).

The health and welfare of Americans must be the Number 1 moral, legal and policy priority of the American government to which we pay trillions annually of our hard-earned tax dollars to do those things for us that we can’t do for ourselves. Democrats are prioritizing the needs of illegal, non-citizens over those of Americans, who are thereby neglected and stranded.  Government’s number one responsibility is a sacred one—to protect its citizens.  It has failed.  This is outrageous.  It is a scandal that touches on treason.