Government & Policy

It’s Lurking

By LeJeune

October 01, 2024

And is that it trying to get ahead of the story on Pizzagate (besides your other boring and benign ‘quiet the derangers/censorship-type stuff’ as you’re used to seeing with it)?

And did we just happen to have a Julian Assange sighting, his first public appearance after his release from jail?


Julian Assange, the ‘Criminal’ Who Woke Up the World (March)

The Best Story Would Bring Hillary Back (August)

Tucker & Putin: What Is Hillary So Afraid Of? (February)

Here is a passage from that February article, which includes a list that was admittedly a pipe dream, but it allowed me to quickly name several issues that more Americans were still needing to wake up to. Secondly and more importantly, take note of the point about the children. I provide you this as context; hopefully you see that this notion of the Overton Window shifting ever so slowly so that Americans can handle it is indeed happening:

Here is a wish list for topics I hope Tucker has covered in the interview, with the most important coming last: -True origins of the Ukraine war, how US government, globalist infiltrators roused the conflict in 2014, and the money laundering scheme making oligarchs there and here rich off the American taxpayer -Moral degeneration of American society and the West in general, including the destruction of the nuclear family, the gender question insanity, the attempted normalization of pedophilia, and outright Satanism at the highest levels of government and the entertainment industry -US bioweapon development in Ukraine and across the world -Further testimony to the 2020 US Election theft -Child sex trafficking and child organ harvesting, which in turn points back to Satanism, to the occult, to secret societies Hillary Clinton’s fear, not to mention that of the Obamas, Bidens, and Bushes of the world, goes well beyond Ukraine. And Ukraine would be bad enough. You start making the public aware of what is really happening to these children, akin to what Bill is being implicated for with Epstein, and now the court of public opinion shifts to the point where you won’t even be able to walk down the street. This is what has to happen–the tipping point of American public opinion. People care, but not enough of them know enough to care enough, and I write that as a mouthful on purpose. More Americans will have to wrap their minds around this truth if true justice is ever to come. So much of this is about those suffering children.

And to add to that, remember that Haiti has been back in the news (children, ritual sacrifice, 2010 earthquake, Clinton Foundation………)

Drip drip drip and the drips are getting bigger and more forceful. This is why Diddy is not a distraction from the “more important” things, as I’ll hear some folks say. He is simply one of the many dominoes falling at an ever-quicker clip.

October is supposed to be nuts. We’ll see.

Pray and fast. Literal evil is being exposed to us as warm milk before we have to swallow whole food. Actually, correction: the warm milk has been dripping since 2015, 2017, 2020, depending on when different Americans really started waking up in chunks across the land. I’d say that milk has well moved into Gerber pudding if not more.

We have to be thinking about this. Praying about this. Asking God for wisdom, discernment, and courage if and when a precipice moment happens. Because the water can’t just drip forever.

It’s all playing out in layers–which is a beautiful development because so many people are having the needed conversations on several different fronts, whether that means the border or the economy or transgenderism or pandemic treaties or orchestrated false flags or money laundering or never-ending wars or stolen elections or or or or orrrrrrrrrr…………………

Satanic occult rituals.

Jesus really wasn’t kidding in the Gospel of St John. They have their “father.” And one prayer of mine is that our Hayride readers do not share in that allegiance.

“There will be concerted efforts to distort and pervert Kamala Harris, who she is, what she stands for, what she’s done,” says Hillary in the video. “I mean, look, the crazy story about me running a child trafficking operation out of a basement of a pizzeria… Don’t laugh. It was a huge story…”

Then she says something about the pro-Trump media running with it!

Ever date or know a narcissist psychopath who tries to get ahead of a story before you find out?

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.