
VIDEO: Mike Johnson Runs Over Kristen Welker Like A Mack Truck

By MacAoidh

October 14, 2024

We said he was too nice to George Stephanopoulos last week, though nothing he said was wrong in the nine-minute segment in which Stephanopoulos asked two utterly idiotic questions – one about Eric Trump’s having blamed Democrats for the two assassination attempts on his father, and another about whether Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. Johnson answered both of those more or less as though they were good-faith questions rather than political hits, though he did note the second one was a “gotcha” question.

And it was. It is. The Democrat propagandists in the legacy corporate media have convinced themselves this is a way to paint Republicans as the “right-wing extremists” the Obama crowd has been claiming lie in wait behind every door in America. By now it ought to be obvious that isn’t much of a play, but they haven’t given up on it.

But in this clip, from Johnson’s appearance yesterday on Meet The Press on NBC, he’s a little tougher. We’re not going to wait for the complaint by some emotionally-crippled cat lady on X that he was “mansplaining” Welker in a way he wouldn’t have done to Stephanopoulos, but on the other hand maybe at this point Mike is sick and tired of having to wade through lies from people attempting to “fact-check” things he says.

The FEMA money going to illegals rather than hurricane victims is a Joe Biden thing. It’s not a Donald Trump thing. At times there has been a FEMA involvement on the border, but Trump had done away with that as Johnson notes. Welker twice tried to push an opposite narrative and he shut her down.

And for his trouble he got asked about…Donald Trump’s medical records.

Nobody thinks Trump’s health is a problem. He’s awfully robust. But because Joe Biden is gone from the Democrats’ ticket they now think their play is to say Trump is too old and too sick to be president.

When the only real health threat Trump presents is the fact that people like Kristen Welker have been ginning up left-wing James Hodgkinson-style crazies to try to assassinate him for the last four years, and we’ve already had two of them try to take pot-shots at him.

Welker doesn’t care. Trump released a couple of letters from doctors giving him a clean bill of health, and that wasn’t good enough for her, so here she is asking Mike Johnson why we can’t see all of his records. Why isn’t there a cognitive test? What’s his cholesterol level?

Johnson stops her and asks her “can you hear yourself?” It’s pretty golden. He very effectively puts her in her place asking her why she’s obsessed with Trump’s cholesterol.

Kristen Welker is a fool. Everybody understands that but the suits at NBC News who are trying to make her into a news anchor. It isn’t working.

We’re still utterly amazed that these Sunday shows will have the Speaker of the House on and waste that time asking about Eric Trump’s trash-talking of Democrats and Donald Trump’s cholesterol. No level of idiocy is too low for these people, we get that, but…really?

Kristen Welker tried to humiliate Speaker Johnson and she ran into an absolute buzzsaw.

All politics aside, it's glorious to see a smug journalist cut down to size like this pic.twitter.com/4eYG1rB5W0

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) October 14, 2024