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Government & Policy

Why I Write on These Things: One Lesson from the ART OF WAR

By LeJeune

October 11, 2024

KNOWING THAT EVIL is more than just a twentieth century psychological or societal “condition” is one enormous step toward exposing it, driving us far away from it, and as a result leading us right into the arms of God.

Remember, he can do anything with a hot or even a cold soul, but he vomits out a lukewarm one. Some of us need the shock of crazy possibilities to rattle us awake to the true nature and real presence of evil in play in the world right now.

…a darkness that will, or should, jettison us with the quickness toward the light. Understanding this concept–understanding our place in relation to a Creator who loves us and who will do anything to win our hearts back to him–is crucial at this juncture of our lives.

Read that one more time: He is willing to do ANYTHING to win our souls to him for eternity. And yes, as we see in the Bible and in life experiences, that often means he allows suffering. It is why Christ warned against riches and luxury. We become lazy. We become complacent. We become blind.

We traipse right into the Evil One’s lap.

Understanding and recognition here can be understood through the same understanding and recognition we have when it comes to armchair quarterbacking while our team is losing or making decisions while driving on a busy highway or navigating the emotional pitfalls that can arise in a marriage.

I cringe that I must use such simple metaphors to make a point about eternal affairs. “Forever” is a loooong time, y’all.

It’s the Art of War. Knowing thyself and knowing thy enemy–BOTH–are paramount in the spiritual war.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” -Sun Tzu

This is why keeping at least one eye on what I’ll call “alternative news” or “alternative history” is important. It has nothing to do with politics, not at its core. This battle is good vs evil.

Not Harris vs Trump, not for me anyway. That is lower on the list in my mind. And unfortunately what may happen is people see other things posted by other people and then automatically conflate them with work that is fighting on another front altogether.

It is why I warn against the binary trap, the isolation of just two “sides.” People invariably drift to their “camps,” like it’s a Bama vs LSU weekend. We’re artificially programmed to do that–which is a part of evil’s strategy (see Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’). There’s a lot more nuance than that here, which means a lot more truth, which means a lot more light, which means a whole lot less Bolshevism, which means….


Not every theory on weather control is true–of course not. But the point of all the presented evidence, both in my articles and on my public Facebook timeline, is to illustrate enough historical precedent and possibilities to keep an uncomfortable, brand new public conversation open long enough for God to do his work and massage the actual truth up to the surface.

When we run to our camps, that can’t happen.

Too much noise and the signal gets blasted silent.

And that’s why it takes so long for truths like child trafficking, exploitation, and occult rituals to become trustworthy–because we don’t listen to each other long enough to allow the truth to short-circuit its way to the surface.


The Reason the Overton Window Must Shut Temporarily

Just look at the health, processed food, and poison in the water/air issue. That was a conglomerate relegated to woke leftist Democrat yoga loving tree huggers before a former Democrat himself joined a Republican in Trump. Literally overnight, the entire party shifted. The awareness RFK Jr has raised has fired up the emotion in the general public enough to where now, because RFK Jr said it, it’s ok to believe the chemtrail and fluoride stuff. Permission and public mandate work hand in hand.

We even have MAHA as a thing now!

Read all of my work and you’ll see it. (I know you won’t, but hopefully you get the point). This is about information war for me. And information war is spiritual war. I don’t think I’ve written a single article on strict policy from Trump in many many months and I haven’t written a single piece on Harris, Waltz, or Vance. When I address Trump, it’s always me trying to locate the signal in the narrative storm, trying to use current events to revisit histories that were memory holed on us by a regime intent on keeping us in the dark and worshipping the Father of Lies as their only master.

We do understand that, right? When I spotlight mainstream media lies or try to expose possibilities involving “unspeakable” topics, I am spotlighting the Gospel of St John Ch 8, the “three fathers scene” I’ve called it in one of my shows, the one where Jesus entertains their foolish conversation only to lead them directly to the truth, to the light, to exposing themselves for exactly who they are—

They are of their “father,” who was a murderer from the beginning.

All of this is about illuminating Christ for me. It’s about praying for the Holy Spirit to wash through our land and through our souls.

It’s about exposing enough of the enemy to actually join God in his inevitable victory.

Keeping this in mind if you read my work is key to understanding my heart and my motive. I’d invite you to read other writers’ similar work with the same mindset. Some of us are fighting against a decades-long (longer!) machine that has propagandized us so far off the path that it will actually be painful for some people to wake up one day knowing they can no longer ignore the truth.

Some of us are preparing the way for that. For some, it is all you want because you hate talking politics and policy. For others who enjoy just the politics and policy, it can add layers of depth and context to the battles we’ve been squabbling over with no progress for so long. It can actually push the needle toward real change.

Pray and fast. God wins, sure, but he loves us to the edge of infinity and back, and wants us to join in his victory.