Government & Policy

BAYHAM: Good Riddance To Our Worst Administration

By Mike Bayham

January 20, 2025

To pithily call it an “End of an Error” would be far too charitable and would mask precisely how reckless and terrible the soon-to-be late Biden Administration truly was.

One wonders how much the president was actually cognizant of what was going on not just around him but right in front of him.

Speaker Mike Johnson’s recent comments about the president’s awareness of his own unilaterally enacted policies should come as no surprise.

A non-political yet high profile figure confided to me last year the absolute shock of witnessing up close the diminished mental condition of the alleged leader of the free world.

We all saw what we saw in not just the June debate that will go down as the most consequential candidate forum in the history of American politics but in countless other instances captured on camera but furiously spun by his press office and buried by the rigged media.

But that debate was the Toto moment when the curtain was pulled back and what we saw wasn’t so much the dithering Wizard of Oz but a catatonic Captain Pike from the Star Trek television series.

Biden’s enablers from Chuck Schumer to Nancy Pelosi panicked that the puppet’s strings snapped and the wooden limbs could no longer be animated.

It wasn’t about the interests of the nation that motivated the pair of knaves to act but the interests of the party and their own complicity in hiding what was apparent even from his basement candidacy in 2020 but was shielded in the fog of a global pandemic that enshrouded both challenger and the loosening of electoral safeguards that enabled his victory.

That Biden even considered let alone pursued a second term was madness; that those around him from family to staff didn’t intervene for the sake of the country is a permanent stain on their reputations and a disqualifying mark from future public service.

Such scoundrels should be queried in every interview henceforth about what they knew and when did they know it regarding Biden’s literal unfitness for the presidency.

But on Monday after four years the curtain will fall on the Edith Wilson 2.0 facade.

Let’s take a quick review of the 46th president’s milestones.

1) A humiliating and hasty military retreat from Afghanistan that damaged American prestige, betrayed our allies, and abandoned billions of dollars of military equipment to the Taliban.

2) A resumption of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine and the irresponsible sale of long-range offensive weaponry that has been used to strike targets in the Russian interior. The restraint Moscow has shown in light of this is nothing short of remarkable as I’m sure we would think differently if Russia had sold similar missiles to terrorist groups we are currently battling across across the world.

3) A disingenuous and ludicrous claim that Biden presided over a great economic recovery after the pandemic when it was Democratic mayors and governors who implemented laws and arbitrary policies that shut down the economy on the local level.

4) Unilaterally declared COVID farcical policies that financially burdened American travelers and prevented them from returning home as if they were bringing in a virus that was already here, including a sudden change in testing requirements from 48 hours to 24 hours that needlessly stranded citizens in foreign countries and had no real practical protective effect as the virus has an undetectable dormancy window. It took a court ruling that the Biden Administration opposed to scrap these fiats.

Oh and nobody in Communist China was ever held accountable for the spread of a plague that killed millions.

5) An immigration crisis that even had leftwing Democratic officials demanding a change in administrative posture.

6) And unprecedented presidential condemnation of American citizens who opposed his policies and presidency including his visually disturbing rant in front of Independence Hall and the countless times Biden vilified supporters of Donald Trump as Mega MAGA Extremists.

7) The social radicalization of a federal administration through the aggressive advancement of the LGBTQ agenda, from appointments to policies to even White House and embassy trappings. It can be said the Biden Administration worked harder to advocate for the radical LGBTQ interests than the country’s.

8) The pardons and commutations of convicted felons who committed the most heinous of crimes imaginable is a badge of shame for Biden and his party. If Biden had felt so strongly about the death penalty he should’ve said as much as a candidate but as is the case with Democrats it’s what they don’t tell you upfront that becomes their true legacy.

9) Finally there’s Hunter- aspiring artist, unqualified energy executive, one-time felon, and the epitome of the term Fortunate Son. Concerning a pardon, President Biden made a promise to the American People he never intended to keep and it was always a matter of when not if he would abuse his office. More so than his paranoid rambling mumble-thon goodbye from the Oval Office it’s Hunter pardon that served as the punctuation mark of his presidency and the favoritism that the Big Guy bestowed his ne’er-do-well offspring that will define him much as Bill Clinton’s eager acceptance of Monica Lewinsky’s favor defined his.

Talking heads and academics who need to somehow publicly justify their complicity in propping up Biden’s administration have touted how Harry Truman was also widely unpopular when he left office (a spin move that skipped Bush 43).

That’s akin to saying a Buick and a Pinto are similar because both have four wheels.

But for all of Truman’s faults, and he had many, Give ’em Hell Harry never enriched himself in office and pursued great and consequential policies such as recognizing Israel and effectively containing the Eastern Bloc in Europe while simultaneously trying to save half of Korea and by extension Japan from Communism.

Truman was haunted by his style and one-party rule fatigue. The Biden White House was just lined haunted.

History will not be kind to Biden whose presidential virtues are predicated on falsehoods that won’t endure exposure to the sunlight of a fair analysis.

Ultimately Biden will be reviled by his own party for effecively facilitating Donald Trump’s second term.

And in the Democratic Party where power is their god, there is no absolution for the sin of losing only eternal damnation.