Report highlights ‘legal’ pay-to-play game in Congress

Census: More than 1.2 million American households moved up to middle class between 2016 and 2018

Report: Four of top 10 cities to start a business are in Texas

Bonnen not seeking re-election to House after key allies say they no longer support him

Sweeping changes to Medicare increased enrollment and options, saved beneficiaries, taxpayers more than $8 billion

Republicans, Democrats call on Bonnen to resign as Speaker

Former Navy SEAL has a powerful message for America [video]

APPEL: Democracy Dies In JBE’s “Pay To Play” Darkness

Debunking Just One Aspect Of JBE’s Ad Attacking Eddie Rispone

Starting teachers in Texas averaged $41,481 in 2017-18

Census: Louisiana taxpayers pay 76 percent of public employees retirement costs

Louisiana auditor says it can’t track how justice system spends fines and fees

Report: Millennials are moving to Austin, Raleigh

Can you be too fat to be a cop?

Report: George P. Bush considers run for higher office in Texas

SADOW: The Resistance To St. George Illustrates The Backward Attitude Of Louisiana

Laredo has highest concentrated poverty rate in Texas

Trump Pens Letter To Erdogan: “Don’t be a tough guy. Don’t be a fool!”

Is This The Best We Can Do To Select The Next Baton Rouge School Superintendent?

Trump Calls For Syria Cease Fire, Announces Sanctions Against Turkey