Government & Policy

VIDEO: Kennedy’s Most Brutal Takedown Yet Of A Biden Nominee

By MacAoidh

December 20, 2021

There have been a number of these, but this one is probably the best for the sheer excruciating pain of it. Kennedy asks Anne Traum, a law professor at UNLV who’s been nominated for a federal district judgeship by the Biden administration, a very simple question nine times in a row and simply cannot get an answer out of her.

The Hill has video of the full exchange, but for some reason the video and audio aren’t properly synchronized. Here’s the last two and a half minutes…

WATCH: John Kennedy Clobber Biden Nominee With One Question Asked 9 Times In A Row

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) December 17, 2021

This happened on Wednesday, so we apologize for not getting around to it until today. Things are pretty busy around here.

We don’t know whether Kennedy’s questioning and the disastrous failure to answer anything other than what her favorite color is will ultimately sink Traum’s nomination. It ought to.

The question, in case you missed watching the video, is whether crimes should be forgiven for the purposes of social justice. That’s an easy question to answer no matter what side of the political aisle you’re on; the answer is no. You can throw in codocils to your answer if you like in the event you might be a social justice warrior like Traum is, but at the end of the day if you don’t understand that your job as a judge is to interpret and apply the law – not change it because it might hurt your feelings in specific circumstances.

There have been far too many of these left-wing nuts coming through that committee, and the discouraging thing about them is the disgusting lack of candor that Kennedy continues to expose.

In other venues the Left is a lot more willing to say who they are. That usually comes along with demands to cancel those who disagree with them. But in the case of these Biden nominees they won’t even answer simple questions aimed at finding out just how far-Left they are.

And that’s embarrassing. Kennedy is correct. And he shouldn’t vote for Anne Traum. Nor should anybody else.