Boustany Named Chair of Subcommittee on Oversight on House Ways and Means Committee

From a release out of Rep. Boustany’s office today… 

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., (R-Southwest Louisiana), today was officially named chair of the Subcommittee on Oversight in the House tax writing Ways and Means Committee.

“We are facing a long list of issues that we must tackle in order to rebuild our fragile economy, and I plan on working in my position as subcommittee chair to address these head on,” Boustany said. “In order to increase American competitiveness, we need to take a serious look at our tax code and reform it in a way that encourages growth and prosperity in our nation.  As we begin to undo the damage caused by President Obama’s health-care law, I plan to hold IRS officials accountable to the taxpayers and press them on how this law will be implemented.  I also plan to work with the Government Accountability Office and other watchdog groups to identify existing programs within the Committee’s jurisdiction that warrant review and improvements to save taxpayer dollars and increase efficiency.

“I am honored to be entrusted by my colleagues with this responsibility,” Boustany said. “I look forward to working closely with Chairman Dave Camp and Speaker John Boehner as we rebuild the economy and get Americans back to work.”

In addition to his chairmanship of the Oversight Subcommittee, Boustany will also serve on the Select Revenue Measures and Human Resources Subcommittees.  Boustany has served on the House Ways and Means Committee since 2009, and served as ranking member of the Oversight Subcommittee throughout the 111th Congress.



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