Nuclear recycling aims to reduce waste, provide ‘generational jobs’

SADOW: Cantrell Doesn’t Enjoy Last Laugh as New Orleans Declines

LUNSFORD: Fake Texts, Stolen Signs, and Louisiana’s Troubling Political Tactics

Audit finds University of New Orleans lacked effective internal controls

ALEXANDER: Trump Moving Swiftly to Return America to Americans and Calm to the World

CROUERE: Trump Makes ‘You’re Fired’ Great Again

ROBICHEAUX: Carbon Capture IS NOT Capitalism!

SADOW: Let’s Make Louisiana’s Civil Service Panel Reform A Priority

NOLA data on shots fired generally reflects overall decrease in crime

Now That The Super Bowl Is Over, The State Of Louisiana Must Deal With New Orleans

Bogalusa’s fiscal issues cross administrations

SADOW: Louisiana Wind Energy Grifters Bray about Permit Halt

Monroe, Louisiana and What A Sorry Shape It’s In

GARLINGTON: Another View of LA’s New Social Studies Standards

Texas Legislative Picture Starts To Come In More Clearly As Priority Items Emerge

Sid Edwards Is Spot On. Cops Are More Important Than Library Surpluses.

U.S. taxpayer funds went to foreign competition for domestic shrimpers

A Follow-Up to the Trump-Sovereign Wealth Fund-Saudi Arabia Article

SADOW: Risky for LA GOP to Endorse for 2026 Senate

USAID, COVID-19, and the Ukraine Lie(S). Or the Fed, Libya, the Clinton Foundation, Haiti……….