Thoughts On The Bin Laden Hit (UPDATED)

A few items, none in any particular order…

ORGANIZING FOR BIN LADEN? One of the things I noticed watching the coverage of the post-takedown celebrations is the one at the White House was very large, very immediate and very full of college kids. I think it’s great that those kids – most of whom were, what, 10 years old when 9-11 happened? – were celebrating the end of that Arab devil. But I also wonder whether that was a spontaneous demonstration or Astroturf.

Not all of the demonstrations, mind you – the ones at Times Square and at Ground Zero were different animals. The White House one struck a vibe, though. Particularly when I saw on both Fox News and CNN that some of those college kids and 20-somethings were holding up “Obama-Biden” signs, and there were lots of comments about birthers and so on in the man-on-the-street interviews the two cable channels did. And that makes me wonder if maybe the Bin Laden celebration was astroturfed just a little.

Which is OK, I guess. But after watching Wisconsin, and some of these other big protests that didn’t actually come off, you can see that when the unions or Organizing For America get involved in something, they can turn lefties out. When they don’t, the lefties don’t get any numbers. They got numbers last night, although killing Bin Laden is an event worthy of a little demonstration regardless of how it came about.

UPDATE: Well, this more or less confirms some of those suspicions. From Gateway Pundit

OBAMA’S WEEKEND TWO-FER: The takedown capped off a good few days for President Obama. First, he released his birth certificate, cutting the legs off Donald Trump’s campaign of escalating the issue, and that gave him the impetus to trash Trump at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner on Saturday. Then he got Bin Laden – which he ordered on Friday, with the actual kill coming two days later.

Of course, both of those events were a long time in coming. Obama could have released that birth certificate at any time over the last three years, and he chose not to until Trump generated sufficient headlines to move poll numbers about it.

And while the country was talking about Obama releasing his birth certificate, he gave the order to get Bin Laden on Friday. The President had said we were developing a lead on Bin Laden’s whereabouts since last summer, and given where he was when we got him – a mansion inside a walled compound across the street from a police station in a town which is essentially a military cantonment – it appears as though we could have taken this guy down at any time. Politically, the hit appears to be a perfect second part of a one-two punch.

Obama’s likely to get a nice bump out of this. One could be forgiven for wondering whether he saved it for a time when he most needed it. And if you’re thinking why didn’t he do it last October, why waste this on Nancy Pelosi?

Sure, this is cynical thinking. If you’re not cynical about the Obama administration, you’re kidding yourself. Everything is political with these people.

ABBOTTABAD: Seems like a strange name for a town in Pakistan. One assumes there was some British guy named Abbott that the place was named for.

But that’s ordinary compared to what else went on there.

Apparently, there is a military university there. Lots of the high-ranking officers in the Pakistani military live and work there. And in the midst of all that, in fact close by the military university (about 800 yards away, in fact), five years ago somebody built a walled compound with a mansion in the middle. No phone lines in, no internet, they burn their trash. Only a couple couriers in and out. Across the street from a police station. And we’re supposed to believe nobody knew a six-foot-five Arab multi-millionaire, the most wanted man in the world, was there?

It insults the intelligence like nothing else.

The last dime we sent to Pakistan should have been the very last dime. They’re not our friends. They’re our enemies.

Frankly, while it’s nice to know a team of Navy Seals came up close and put a bean in his noggin, and Bin Laden saw it coming, it would have been a lot more just for us to have sent a flight of B-2’s out of Whiteman Air Force Base to wipe Abbottabad off the face of the earth and punish the Pakistanis for harboring him there. Would that have been counterproductive? Probably. But Pakistan isn’t some country full of good folks who are beset with tough times. Pakistan is a shithole full of jihadists and jihadist enablers. The Pakistanis are responsible for the A.Q. Khan network, which has done more to proliferate nukes to the scum of the earth than anyone else, the Pakistanis are responsible for not only creating the Taliban but continuing to support and supply them and the Pakistanis are now making eyes at China.

While it’s great that we got Bin Laden, the clarification of exactly how he’s been living courtesy of our allies is what’s most important about this story.



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