“First, the good news. The report gives Louisiana an ‘A’ in the transitions and alignment category, and ranked it fourth in the country in that metric. The state also received an ‘A’ for its standards, assessment and accountability programs, putting it second in the nation.” – Lafayette Advertiser
“Though Peterson, who is black, would probably deny it, you could bet the deed to your home that race has everything to do with Peterson suddenly straddling the fence in a campaign between a white man and a black man. After all, it was Peterson who stood on the floor of the state Senate last year and proclaimed that Obama’s race was the reason Republicans opposed ObamaCare.” – Sam Hanna/Franklin Sun
“Saints running back Pierre Thomas returned to practice Thursday, his first time on the field since injuring his chest in New Orleans’ regular season-ending win over Tampa Bay.” – WWL-TV
“‘He gets out of his car, walks up to me, pulls out a badge and says you don’t know who I am. You don’t know what I could do. I can have you arrested,’ Nobles told News 2.” – WBRZ
“While Obama could help Mary Landrieu in New Orleans, Mitch Landrieu’s association with the White House could dampen any plans he may have for running for governor in 2015. Louisiana backed the president’s Republican rival, Mitt Romney, in large numbers in 2012. While not outright removing himself from speculation about a statewide run, Landrieu has said he is campaigning for one elected office at a time.” – NOLA.com
“The Seattle Seahawks—the favorites to make the Super Bowl out of the NFC—employ an exasperating defensive game plan: They blitz rarely and drop an army of defenders into pass coverage. And those defenders mug, obstruct and foul opposing receivers on practically every play.” – WSJ
“Jefferson Parish officials have asked the Krewe of Atlas to reschedule its Mardi Gras season parade in Metairie from Feb. 21 to Feb. 23, to make up for the Krewe of Thor’s cancellation. Replacing Thor with Atlas would ensure that Family Gras runs as planned for 2-1/2 days, said Sean Burke, the administration’s citizens affairs director. ” – NOLA.com
“In 1804, the Ursuline Sisters, who had fled the anti-Catholicism of the French Revolution to found schools, orphanages, and hospitals in the Louisiana Territory, wrote to President Thomas Jefferson of their concerns that the United States government, now in control of New Orleans, would interfere with their freedom to operate their institutions and set their own regulations.” – Patheos
“As a member of the LSU Board of Supervisors, I recently heard success story after success story on the partnerships between LSU Health and our community partner hospitals. The output, the energy, the innovation and cooperation I learned about were very encouraging.” – Rolfe McCollister/Baton Rouge Business Report
“Councilman John Delgado led an effort at Wednesday’s council meeting to replace three of five St. George Fire District commissioners. The reason, he said, was because he feels the governing commission should prohibit its public facilities from being used on behalf of the campaign.” – Baton Rouge Advocate