John Bel Edwards Is Dispatching Drunks To Harass Baton Rouge Voters Via Phone Tomorrow Night At Dinnertime

You really can’t make this up. First, St. John Bel blows off a family values forum to go party at a strip club in New Orleans. Now his campaign is gathering up a bunch of lushes to make phone calls for him in Baton Rouge tomorrow night.



So how is this going to work? Will they get callers liquored up first before they start calling?

Will there be a drinking game involved? For example, take a shot everytime you contact an Edwards voter. How about taking two shots if a Vitter voter is dialed?

Like many of you I’m sure, I’m a fan of being drunk dialed. I just love answering a phone call from someone who is so drunk they can’t form a sentence.

Scenes like this could happen all over Baton Rouge tomorrow night:

All that’s missing is the party bus and the strippers.



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