Quote Of The Day

“They said this was the tool of last resort. No, this is absolutely the asset of first use. Get in there and start burning oil before the spill gets out of hand. If they had six or seven of these systems in place when this happened and got out there and started burning, it would have significantly lessened the amount of oil that got loose.”

– Jeff Bohleber, chief financial officer for Elastec/American Marine, a Calmi, Ill.-based company which manufactures the fire boom the federal government plan for oil spill disposal calls for using. Bohleber said when the Coast Guard called Elastec to conduct a test on April 28, eight days after the spill began, the company shipped the only boom system it had in stock. Since then, Elastec has been calling customers in foreign countries about borrowing their booms for use in burning off the Gulf slick.



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