…if I was so inclined, I could go on forever about all the things the ex-President did while in office I didn’t like. There are lots of things.
But now I’m going to offer up something I do like. Which is this.
The picture is of President Bush and the former First Lady, who drove out to DFW Airport to greet troops who were arriving home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
It’s a nice gesture. At the end of the day, for whatever mistakes he might have made (and Bush made less in eight years than his successor has made in 18 months; you can bet your sweet bippy on that), Bush is a legitimately good guy. A little goofy, doesn’t speak well, probably a mediocre president, fine – but a good guy who was unfairly treated by the Left.
One mistake you really don’t want to make is to get into a discussion with somebody who fought in Iraq or Afghanistan where you’re trashing Bush. A lot of those folks don’t like that. He’s VERY popular with the troops, because they know he was behind them 100 percent. The current guy? Not so much.