On Cato’s “A” Grade For Jindal

Fellow Louisiana Taxpayers:

I will raise my hand as one who has been critical of Governor Jindal as of late. Much of my disagreements come with the way he seems to have allowed the State Senate to tack on nearly $2 Billion in expenditures in the latest budget, then simply lobbied House legislators to approve.

However, Governor Jindal is one of four Governors in the country to be given an “A” rating on fiscal policy by the CATO Institute, which is probably the best fiscal watchdog we as taxpayers have in the country. The study takes into account the past two years of each U.S. Governor. Therefore, Governor Chris Cristie of New Jersey, who seems to be taking the state by storm fighting the government unions, and others like him who have not served at least two years, is not included in the report.

Governor Jindal’s accomplishments as listed by the study include:

  • Signing a bill in 2008 to repeal $350 Million in personal taxes
  • Modest business tax cuts
  • Proposed reductions in the state budget for FY 2011 compared to his first year in office

The main criticism of Gov. Jindal appears to be the fact he is willing to continue and promote tax credits for film producers. CATO Institute believes the taxpayers should not subsidize Hollywood.

Brief to CATO Press Release:

Full CATO Report with report card:

Next year will be a big one for Governor Jindal and the State of Louisiana. We are facing roughly a $2 Billion deficit, which makes one wonder why the State Senate acted so irresponsibly tacking on an extra $1.8 Billion to the Governor’s/House budget. We will need Governor Jindal to make some tough decisions next year, hopefully which will be in the best interest of the state’s taxpayers, and we will need some REAL leadership in the State Legislature. I don’t have much faith in the Senate, led by liberal Democrat Joel Chaisson and pro-tax increase Republican Mike Michot.

However, the House might be our allies, with several more conservative members who took a stand against an unconstitutional $118 Million personal tax increase in 2009 and several who (though out numbered) voted AGAINST approving the Senate’s irresponsible amendments to the budget earlier this year.

Nick Bouterie is currently a candidate for Town of Iota Alderman in Acadia Parish.



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