An Interesting Exit Poll Tidbit

Turns out that despite an all-out effort to trash Sen. David Vitter among Louisiana’s women, Charlie Melancon got his butt kicked in a major way with the majority of them.

Remember this?

“Any woman that knows anything about David Vitter’s record on women, God help her if she votes for him.”

Well, the AP’s exit polls on the race say God has some helping to do.

Exit polling conducted for CNN and The Associated Press suggests Melancon’s strategy of trying to attract women voters by focusing on Vitter’s 2007 prostitution scandal and the legal troubles of a former aide was an abysmal failure. According to the polls, Vitter overwhelmed Melancon among white men, 71-24, but fared even better among white women, who supported the incumbent by a margin of 74 percent to 20 percent.

Assumedly, Vitter’s numbers among black women were less rosy; he got 11 percent of the black vote overall (which is still a pretty good number for a Louisiana Republican), and one might imagine he probably didn’t even get 11 percent of the female vote in the black community. Even so, it appears Vitter got close to 60 percent of the women’s vote in this state.

What a complete and total repudiation of the Melancon campaign that its core strategy of demonizing Vitter in an effort to beat him with an army of female voters resulted in his getting blown out by his intended victim among his audience of choice.

Utter, complete, total failure. Not only is Melancon finished in politics – whoever crafted that strategy for him sure ought to be as well.



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