There’s simply no other way to describe Cedric Richmond today.
Too strong? Fine. You explain this…
“For far too long, we’ve let companies dictate their decisions based on a bottom line, what they’re going to give back to their shareholders, their boards of directors. That’s not what this country was founded on,” Richmond, who represents the 2nd Congressional District, told representatives of the Metal Trades Department of the AFL-CIO during a press conference Friday in New Orleans.
“This country was founded on some very basic principles, which is loving our neighbor, helping our fellow man, our fellow woman, and making this country a better place.”
Life? Liberty? Pursuit of happiness? No. Love your neighbor and give him whatever he wants.
Where did this man go to school?
We hate the idea that Avondale Shipyards might close. We’d like to see the Obama administration embrace an aggressive offshore energy production strategy which involves expanding the shallow-water drilling opportunities in areas outside of just the western Gulf of Mexico; such a strategy would likely increase the demand for shipbuilding and perhaps it wouldn’t be necessary just to make military ships there. We’d also like to see the Obama administration consider the necessity of maintaining naval superiority and the essential nature of shipbuilding to such a goal, which would probably make for suitable demand to keep Avondale afloat.
But in the absence of those conditions, Northrup-Grumman has to do what it has to do. The company is beholden to its stockholders. And if it can’t sell enough ships to justify keeping Avondale open, then we’re just going to have to wait until the shipyard is sold to another company who can satisfy a business model by operating it. That’s called life. It doesn’t always work out like we’d like it to.
Obviously, Richmond doesn’t understand this stuff. It doesn’t appear he’s capable of understanding this stuff. He’s capable of bilking the taxpayers out of money and rumbling in barrooms when he loses at pool, but not a whole lot else. And if he’s ever read the Declaration of Independence, it doesn’t look like he’s capable of understanding it.