The Daily Caller had this one today, and it’s gold. It’s from Fox News this morning, and it’s Ablow discussing Maher’s tirade on Bristol Palin about her new book.
“[L]ook, this guy needs his head examined so it’s good that you called me in,” Ablow said. “Bottom line is here’s a guy you have to understand, [Bristol Palin’s] book is called ‘Not Afraid of Life.’ Here’s a guy who never saw a life that he didn’t question. For euthanasia, for the death penalty, for abortion – this is somebody who is not affiliated with life at all. No children. So you have to look at him and say you know what, why is he so hostile towards women? He has a deep-seated, it seems, hatred to some extent of women. Frequents the Playboy mansion, all the girls that he dates, the women he dates, they have to be supermodels. The bottom line is you really got to wonder is he projecting on to her?”
And more…
“Anti-religion – don’t forget, he said that suicide bomber at 9/11 were more heroic than American servicemen,” Ablow said. “This is someone very closely affiliated with not loving the birth, not having regard for life and therefore, I would say, having it in for women. He says elsewhere in the tape that basically the way that people are born is that babies drop out of them. He’s very much divorced from the beauty of the birth experience. He doesn’t say Bristol admit it – you had feelings for this young man. No, you were horny. See, he wants to think women are sluts. That’s his view of the world. Interestingly, his mother who happened to have been Jewish, denied her religion until his teen years. Do you wonder what kind of ascendance was in operation in that family. Was the male so far above the female that he’s internalized this?”