Here’s Al Gore, at the Aspen Summit over the weekend, losing his mind over the fact people don’t agree with him on his global warming fantasy crusade…
We’ve put the clamps on domestic energy in America and we’re trying to crank up gas mileage requirements to impossible levels – Obama wants a 54 MPG CAFE standard by 2025 – in no small part because of Gore’s insanity.
NASA’s data shows that none of what Gore has been predicting is coming true.
We’ve cost ourselves a fortune. For nothing. And all Gore can do is scream “Bullshit!” at people.
This is a perfect opportunity to break out another video, one of our favorites. Here’s Rep. Steve Scalise ripping Gore a new one in a congressional hearing back in 2009 when the Left was trying to pass the Waxman-Markey cap and trade bill…
It would be great if Al Gore would retreat to a mental institution, or a massage parlor. Or something. So long as he doesn’t run his mouth about matters that concern the rest of us, we couldn’t care less what he does.