Obama Proves Maxine Waters Correct

Remember that infamous “Stop Complainin'” speech that President Obama gave to the Congressional Black Caucus a week or so ago? And remember how Maxine Waters mentioned that Obama wouldn’t tell the gays or the Jews to stop complaining?

Well, over the weekend we got a test of Waters’ thesis – and it turns out that while she’s wrong about pretty much everything she wasn’t wrong about that.

Obama spoke to the Human Rights Campaign, which is a gay rights advocacy group, and there wasn’t a whole lot of “shut up and stop complainin’ being said.

In fact, after reciting a litany of legislative accomplishments on the part of the gay lobby and whining about how his jobs bill hasn’t passed Congress yet (when he doesn’t even have enough Democrat support in the Senate to pass it), Obama seemed to spend as much time on the spread the group put out for him at their National Dinner in DC for which he was the keynote speaker…

“The dinner rolls were absolutely divine,” he said. “The little potatoes—well, I need to get that seasoning recipe before I leave here tonight. And the peas and carrots had the perfect amount of butter on them. I remember when I was really little, like maybe five or six, my mother used to drop a whole inch-thick cube of butter on my peas and carrots, which turned them into a fattening, greasy soup. I always told her, ‘Ma,’ I said, ‘if you want me to eat my vegetables, you gotta lighten up on the Land o’Lakes. My arteries, man.’ But she never acknowledged my simple requests, and now I bear the emotional scars of feeling invisible during my formative years.”

Naturally, the official White House video doesn’t include his lengthy review of the fare. Instead it’s full of other stuff – like how he doesn’t believe in a “small America,” which is what he says conservatives believe in…



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