VIDEO: WWL Sunday Edition With Tucker, Schedler Debating Secretary Of State Race

Lots of back-and-forth, but a much more polite discussion than the one between Jay Dardenne and Billy Nungesser concerning the Lt. Governor’s race. The attacks – Schedler whacking Tucker for the legislative pay raise, Tucker firing back about the Stelly tax – are front and center but not in as white-hot a fashion as those between Dardenne and Nungesser.

But like that race, the incumbent Schedler touts the smooth operation of the state’s election system and efforts to make business filing easier, while the challenger Tucker says the office can do more with the same or less resources.

Tucker might win this round with a little more polished presentation, but it’s worth pointing out that if you’re a conservative you might not be so excited about the idea of any government agency doing more, regardless of what it costs, and that is after all what Tucker is selling when he makes that pitch…



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