There has been much made of the master debater Newt Gingrich is and how he is the only Republican candidate that could possibly match the eloquent Obama. I’m not so sure. I think that Gingrich’s oratory skills have been a bit overblown and that other candidates, including Romney, could give the president a good beat-down in debates.
Romney, of course, has problems that makes me leery of him as the nominee. So does Newt and, frankly, every one else who is running for the Republican nomination. Maybe I’m a little naive, but I was hopeful that we had crossed a benchmark with the 2010 mid-term elections and that we would not have to tolerate Republicans acting like Democrats anymore.
Sadly, I was mistaken. Rudy Giuliani was right to ask what the hell in Gingrich doing with his new strategy to attack Romney on the Bain Capital stuff.
I admit, It’s easy to be seduced by the convention wisdom that Gingrich would be the one guy that could effectively hold Obama to the mat on the failure of his Keynesian ways and government expansion. Conservatives want someone to make the case in a setting–like a debate–to an audience that typically clicks remote controls from anything related to politics to vote on the next American Idol star. We know that many of these people will also be the ones who will be voting for Obama and we want them to understand exactly what they will be getting more of if they do.
Is it too much for conservatives to want a person who will not only express conservatives principles while running for office, but will believe these principles at their core the way they do? We now witness Gingrich resorting to the language of the left in order to win the Republican nomination. Who is advising him and what does it say about what he really believes if he thinks that this is a winning strategy?
The only guy in the Republican field that I can get a handle on what they really believe is Ron Paul, who speaks his mind and damns the consequences. Paul, however, would be beaten by Obama because much of what he believes–including his dangerous foreign policy stance–strays so far from the Republican base.
The Republicans are going to need every bit of their base to defeat Obama, because when it comes down to it a large number progressives are going to turn out to vote the president into office for a second term no matter what. You can’t fix stupid.
Paul would loose if he were to become the Republican, especially after the media got through with painting him as a racist kook who can’t be trusted in the Oval Office. Paul has never been really vetted by the media, because many of them agree with him on foreign policy and have never took him seriously as a candidate. They would rip him to pieces, however, if he were to become the Republican standard bearer.
A few weeks back, I picked on Paul a little by linking to a video that some suspect was filled with clips over-dubbed to portray him as saying things he never said. I stand by the video and have decided to put up a similar one up of Gingrich in light of his recent attacks on Romney over the Bain Capital stuff. I think it makes the case that Gingrich’s reputation as an orator might not be all it’s been ginned up to be.
If you doubt the authenticity of this video, ask yourself if the things Gingrich is saying in it make anymore sense than a Republican adopting the language of the left to win the party nomination, Here is the link in case the embed doesn’t work for you: