President Barack Obama might have the Main-Stream-Media whores firmly into in his camp, but Ron Paul can count workings girls among his most fervent supports as the Republican primary train pulls into Nevada for Saturday’s caucus.
Girls from the Moonlight Bunny Ranch—who know a thing are two about trains—are planning to caucus for the Texas congressman who would like to like to see prostitution made legal in other states the way it is in Nevada.
They are supporting the presidential hopeful by “Pimpin’ For Paul”:
The girls will also be taking money for Paul at caucus places and, really, from anyone who might not support him but wants to have a good time.
So far, the Paul campaign hasn’t said much about these voters or done much to solicit their support. That’s not surprising, because I don’t see Nevada’s brothel voting bloc going to people like Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum.
I don’t think that Newt Gingrich trying to tap into it would serve him very well either, especially after the Herman Cain endorsement.