Where do I begin? Do I start with my utter disdain for the present “liberal” (defined as a pro-Socialist ideologue and his Duma leading us to a Marxist Nirvana). Or, do I start with my overwhelming ambivalence toward the old guard “conservative” (defines as impotent to efficiently project at least an image of involvement in our government) as reflected in the likes of party “Leadership” such as McCain, Graham, Boehner, McConnell and such as wee in their drawers at the thought they might have to do more than complain about government as they helped create it?
The fact is my cynicism has grown by leaps and bounds as I watch the next generation of political wannabees step to the podium and recite the same old blah, blah, blah of partisan party drivel. Elizabeth Warren, the Cherokee Fauxcahontas of the Democrat party dream. She’s today’s propagandist parading around the stage in her populist togs sufficiently reminiscent of a day spent shopping at Walmart so she may emulate her heroine, MeShill Obama. Poor taste will always be this charlatan’s (Warren’s) trademark.
Hilary Clinton is dragging herself away from the scene of combat with her self-inflicted wounds hemorrhaging her credibility. First, we’ll address the lie about being “flat-broke”. We’re not talking about being a little strapped for cash: we’re talking about her saying she was below the poverty-level her sex-addicted hubby helped define with his social programs and giveaways to get elected so long ago. We’re talking about her claim to have had next to no money and “struggling” to buy houses (more mansions than slave quarters and valued at over a million EACH) and finance her baby girl’s education. I wonder about Chelsea’s student loan debt. Is this one of those moments when we take pause and go: “hmmmmmm?”
But, not to leave the Republicans out, let’s address their poster children for their latest cinematic wonder: “The Trials of Moses. Lost in the wilderness searching for an issue they can’t waffle on”. The only thing larger than Marco Rubio’s ego is his belief Little Havana can elect him President solely on the weekly intake of Cuba émigrés landing at Key West. He believes we haven’t been accumulating the videos of him leaping the net like a mentally challenged tennis model (all looks and no championships) as he follows his main man, John McCain toward political embarrassment.
Then there’s Peter King, the New York 2nd Congressional District Representative known for his Chairmanship of the House Committee on Homeland Security and his membership on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. By watching his interminable interviews on FOX News we see a man prepared to step beyond his ego and assure us his ability to attack his colleagues rather than consider their opinions concerning how America should be directed. He thinks he’s presidential while looking like no more than a garden gnome with bad hair. Being able to scowl isn’t a presidential attribute or qualification. Look at Nixon.
The pool of ambivalence deepens when we realize each potential candidate is drinking the bitter cider of rotted apples. The bitter cider has greater potency the normal drink and poisons the drinker as they become drunk. They’ve failed to recognize their limitations.
The United States needs a sense of teamwork. In the early days of the nation the President became the one with the most votes collected. Then the 1st runner up became the Vice-President. It didn’t matter if that second in command was of the President’s entourage as is true today. The second in command was the winner of the second largest number of votes. There was always the possibility of another point of view near the top of the pyramid. That’s why we have checks and balances in our system.
America is a nation of thoughtful people; each having a different point of view. None of those points of view are any less valid than the next. All of these points of view deserve an audience when creating the alloy American domestic and foreign policies become under fire.
We shouldn’t be restricted to the perimeters of rich folk’s thinking and the constraints of intellectually constipated underachievers in high office.
Thanks for listening.