The Battle of New Orleans: Fighting Planned Parenthood’s Culture Of Abortion

The fight over Planned Parenthood’s new Uptown clinic in the city of New Orleans has been contentious to say the least.

From the beginning, the Archdiocese of New Orleans condemned Planned Parenthood’s effort to bring another abortion clinic to the area, as the abortion giant’s Magazine Street clinic does not offer abortion services.

And from the very beginning, Archbishop Gregory Aymond was vilified by the local media, portrayed as using intimidation tactics and threats to drive Planned Parenthood out of the city.

However, Aymond’s crusade against Planned Parenthood has been courageous. Just as Christians are being picked apart for not standing up for themselves and collapsing to liberal, cultural norms like abortion, Aymond crusaded and did not allow himself to be intimidated by Planned Parenthood.

The local media has been a constant problem in the fight against Planned Parenthood.

Weeks ago, New Orleans City Councilwoman Latoya Cantrell spoke at a Planned Parenthood in none other than a Presbyterian Church in the city.

But, do not think for a second that this abortion rally, disguised as a “healthcare rally for women,” was picked up by the local press. The Advocate and the Times Picayune, both who have been reporting on this issue for years, ignored the rally.

Naturally, Cantrell did not speak about the abortion services that come along with Planned Parenthood at the rally. Instead, its as if Planned Parenthood is some kind of magical place where women are treated like queens and given the best kind of healthcare they can find.

That just is not the case though.

Planned Parenthood is an abortion giant. Why, to this day, Planned Parenthood cannot admit that is beyond us. Rather, all Planned Parenthood wants to talk about is “healthcare” and mammograms and pap-smears.

Even in the Planned Parenthood radio ad, the abortion giant never makes any mention about offering abortion services at their new site.

So if abortion is not a heinous medical procedure that women are conned into getting because they are told they have no other choice, why won’t Planned Parenthood advertise their abortion services?

Planned Parenthood does not advertise their abortion services, but at the exact time, they file an appeal to a decision by Gov. Jindal blocking them from performing abortions at the new Uptown center, arguing that there is a lack of some 2,844 abortions a year in the New Orleans area.

While the abortion giant pretends to not be all about abortion, they site in their argument to the state that the clinic is necessary in order to perform thousands of abortions.

Additionally, Planned Parenthood has time and time again argued that it is the number one most effective advocate in the country for abortion services. Though, they will not advertise their abortion services at the new Crescent City clinic. The contradiction is incredible and yet no one from the local media has said a word.

Not only did the local media ignore the abortion rally Cantrell attended, but it has also long ignored how Planned Parenthood targets black and Hispanic neighborhoods.

As Planned Parenthood disguises itself to care the most about minority women, the abortion business only cares about them because it is getting rich off their struggles.

Back in 2013, the group Protesting Black Life released a report which found that 79 percent of all Planned Parenthood abortion clinics were within walking distance of black and Hispanic neighborhoods.

Why is Cantrell not talking about how Planned Parenthood targets black and Hispanic women disproportionately over white women? And why isn’t the local press asking these same questions?

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood is busy getting rich off the taxpayers, taking in about $540.6 million in taxpayer funded health service grants in 2013.

During this debate, though, it is the Catholic church that is the villain in this pro-women vs. anti-abortion narrative.

Pro-life-ers, who have been undoubtedly one of the most effective groups in the state when it came to taking about pro-choice Mary Landrieu, are not even called pro-life anymore by the local media. Instead, they are referred to as “anti-abortion activists.”

Aymond, along with pro-life groups should take note as to how they have been portrayed in the press and how Planned Parenthood has been able to dominate the narrative of the debate.

Abortion is a culture war, without a doubt, and Planned Parenthood’s effort to deceive minority women into believing that abortion is their only option must be called out. Aymond and pro-life groups are essential to challenging these abortion norms among the black and Hispanic communities and, unfortunately, they will have to continue to ask the questions that the local press simply will not ask.

That’s the real, modern battle of New Orleans.



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