This Sure Sounds Familiar, Doesn’t It?

A quote from Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, during the press conference at which he announced the deployment of the National Guard to Baltimore’s streets – which went into force, along with a curfew, last night and greatly curtailed the rioting and looting in that city:

“When the mayor called me, which quite frankly we were glad that she finally did, instantly we signed the executive order. We already had our entire team prepared,” he said. “We were trying to get in touch with the mayor for quite some time, she finally made that call and we immediately took action.”

We were reminded of this…

Blanco was a bumbling idiot in the aftermath of Katrina, and did everything she could to pass the consequences of her failed response on the Bush administration – but had she known what she was doing, she could have had the assistance of the U.S. military four days sooner – which might well have resulted in fewer deaths and less suffering, and certainly would have resulted in less humiliation for New Orleans as a natural disaster quickly blossomed into a showpiece for governmental dysfunction.

Likewise, the Baltimore riots began on Saturday and it wasn’t until Monday that Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the incompetent fool in the mayor’s chair, finally got around to calling in the National Guard. Luckily no one was killed in the riots, but the millions upon millions of dollars in property damage and the lives ruined by looting and arson have done permanent damage to the fragile economy of that city. Those businesses looted and burned are never coming back, just like they’re never coming back in Ferguson and they never came back in Watts, Detroit or Philadelphia.

The first charge of government is to keep the peace and insure law and order prevails. We now know that Democrats aren’t capable of satisfying that requirement, just like we know that putting a Democrat in charge of the economic life of a city is like putting a swarm of locusts in charge of your crops.

They’re fairly good at masking their incompetence while destroying a city’s economy slowly. But when a Katrina or Baltimore hits, we find out quickly how ineffective they really are in doing their jobs.



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