Here’s What Mary Landrieu Is Up To These Days

Former Senator Mary Landrieu sort of disappeared after she was ousted from her US Senate seat last November by Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA).

Landrieu was backed by all the Democratic big-wigs, like Hillary Clinton and State Sen. Karen Carter Peterson (D-New Orleans). But, during her failed re-election campaign, the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave up on Landrieu’s race.

Now, she’s back in politics because political dynasties can never seem to die.

As the Advocate reported, Landrieu is joining with other former Senators to build a coalition determined to get “centrists” elected in national elections.

You may remember that Landrieu ran as a “centrist” in her race against Cassidy, but the Hayride quickly exposed her deciding vote for Obamacare, her pro-choice record and her weakness as the Senate Energy Committee chairwoman.

Since Landrieu could not convince Louisiana voters she was a centrist, she is now a Washington DC lobbyist that’s trying to convince voters in other states that their Democratic choices are actually centrist legislators.

Landrieu lobbies on behalf of the Van Ness Feldman lobbying firm in DC.



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