There is no other way to read this law before the House.
Gene Reynolds, the head of the Democratic delegation in the House, has put the bill up in order to make changes to the existing law on home school programs, but the while the abstract of the law talks as though the law isn’t being heavily modified, there is a lot of extra information being sought from parents in the proposal.
The killer in this bill is this:
(2) The parent or legal guardian shall submit any of the following information with the initial application:
(a) A complete outline of each subject to be taught during the application year.
(b) A list of all instructional materials to be used.
(c) A copy of the student’s most recent work, if available.
(d) A list or copies of the assessments to be used.
(e) Statements from third parties who can provide an evaluation of the instructor’s academic plan.
(f) Any other evidence of the quality of the program to be offered.
(3) If the information submitted as required in Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Subsection is inadequate as determined by the state Department of Education, the department shall notify the parent or legal guardian of the deficiencies and shall request additional information.
(4) Based on the information submitted as required in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection, the department shall determine whether the program offers a sustained curriculum of quality at least equal to that offered in public schools at the same grade level and shall approve or disapprove the initial application accordingly.
This is all to be added to existing law, and it is a long list of requirements that is meant to add as many extra stops as possible in order to make it harder for parents to home school their children. The more parents have to go through to pull their kids out of public education and home school them, the less they are inclined to do it. Parents who home school their kids and have to renew their applications under this law will have to do the same thing every year, making it a big hassle for them, as well.
What’s more, the wording in Paragraphs (3) and (4) and some segments more toward the end of the bill give the Department of Education a lot of leeway in choosing whether or not to allow a parent to do make this decision. It is an effort by Democrats and their buddies in the teacher’s unions (the ones that love them some John Bel) to keep more children in failing public schools.