Last week we introduced our readers to the “Boo You, Mitch Landrieu” video contest. Before we go further, let’s revisit the rules of the game…
It goes like this. You can enter the contest by sending us video of people booing and/or heckling Mitch Landrieu (EDIT: the heckling is optional; the booing is not) when he goes out in public – send us a YouTube link, Vimeo link, Facebook video link or a video file via e-mail at, and if we get it we’ll post it to The Hayride and send you a t-shirt.
And at the end of June we’ll pick six contest winners based on a tally of the combined “likes,” shares and comments under each contest post at the Hayride’s Facebook page. Which, incidentally, if you haven’t “liked” on Facebook yet, you absolutely should.
The five runners-up will each get $100 prizes, which we’ll pay via PayPal. The winner gets a $500 prize. When you send us submissions, be sure to include the PayPal address to get paid, as well as a physical address for the t-shirt and some description of the event, location and time the video making up your contest entry was shot.
Now, we’re not trying to cause trouble here. Accordingly, while we might still post it on the website you’re disqualified from the contest if the video contains either vulgarity, harrassment or personal threats made against the mayor. And we don’t want to see any video of anyone getting in his personal space. That’s not constructive engagement, and we don’t want to see people who agree with us sink to the level of the Indivisible mob or the Gary Chambers/Alton Sterling fan club in Baton Rouge. We’re going to encourage our readers who’ll be participating in this as judges by liking and sharing and commenting to be using eloquence and creativity, rather than passion, as their criteria.
Well, above is a mockup of the Boo You Mitch Landrieu contest shirts. In case you can’t see the images, here they are.
The front…
And the back…
We thought the design was entertaining as hell, and when we showed it around we got lots of laughs. So it’s a winner.
And while we might consider selling them, that will come afterward. For now, the only way you can get one is to actually enter the Boo You contest.
So, while this past weekend was Memorial Day, and few of you would have had any interest in booing Mitch Landrieu on video – while he’s there in person, by the way, not while you’re alone in your living room – there are no more excuses. You have a month. Go get it done. Give us some good video, and become a Mitchbuster!