Trump’s Effort To End Decades Long Temporary Protected Status Blocked By Federal Judge

The President has been true to his word whenever it comes to his efforts to reform immigration policy. However, On every front he advances, he is met with strong opposition. The courts continue to find ways to impede Trump from implementing his campaign promises. The latest resistance comes from U.S. District Judge Edward Chen, who has blocked Trump’s attempt to end Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for decades long recipients.

“The preliminary injunction ordered by Chen prevents the deportation of an estimated 240,000 immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Sudan, who were facing a series of deadlines starting in November to depart the country or risk becoming undocumented immigrants,” USA Today reports. “These immigrants had been granted permission to be in the U.S. under the Temporary Protected Status program, better known as TPS.”

The TPS program was created and 1990, and has since been growing in size as those who receive this status are largely able to retain it indefinitely. The ruling by Judge Chen acts to prolong this beneficiaries stay even longer, drawing into question the intent behind the program.

The Department of Homeland Security has long cleared the countries of origin to be clear for safe return for TPS refugees, and are suitable for these temporary migrants to return home. According to DHS, the program has been wrongly extended for years. However, the title of “Temporary” is perhaps misleading for DHS and the general public. For the program may not have a desired end date in the eyes of many government officials and TPS holders.

USA Today notes that TPS recipients “Edwin Murillo, 42, and his wife, Mily Rivas, 40, who are originally from El Salvador and have two U.S.-born children.” Their situation is perhaps enlightening to the greater TPS populace.

This couple, like many others, has had children on U.S. soil, and thus have children with U.S. citizenship. This creates quite the predicament for these families and Immigration authorities. So much time has passed, that the situation has become a legislative bind. This is surely in part due to the fact that the U.S. is one of the only countries in the world that grants birthright citizenship.


While this debacle will have to be sorted through if Trump wishes to act on long over extended TPS, the program may continue to get upheld in the courts, and recipients may not willfully leave.

“I prefer hiding from la migra (immigration authorities)” rather than return to struggles back home, suggests Murillo. He and his wife have held TPS status for 20 years.

The couple are advocates for TPS beneficiaries. “Murillo and his wife took part in a caravan that is traveling across the U.S. for 12 weeks to drum up support for TPS holders,” USA Today reports. “They say their goal is not to further extend TPS, but to convince Congress to pass legislation that would allow TPS holders to legalize their status permanently.”

Strong opposition will continue to meet the Trump administration’s efforts on immigration reform. As the situation is delayed in the courts, so do the days go by where Trump attempts to enact his agenda. The battle thus far has left the administration rather restricted, and there is little sign to suggest this will soon change.



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