Another 10 Democrats took the stage in Miami, Florida and made their best case as to why they should replace Donald Trump next year. It was yet another clown show.
They argued about everything from race to healthcare. Ultimately, tonight’s debate was nowhere near as entertaining as Wednesday night’s debate.
Here are some takeaways from the debate:
- When asked by the moderator who supported healthcare for illegal aliens, every single Democrat on stage raised their hand. This will not play well in a general election.
- If you work in the fossil fuel industry, the Democratic Party has nothing to offer you. They want to destroy your livelihood.
- Once again, we saw a lack of seriousness on foreign policy. The field was largely blind to the threat that China poses and is largely focused on Russia
- Bernie Sanders was forced to admit that middle-class taxpayers would pay more in taxes under his plans. The truth is, middle-class taxpayers will be paying more taxes no matter which Democrat wins. Bernie was just forced to be honest by persistent questioning.
- Kamala Harris is more or less running for dictator. Her entire platform appears to be based on her taking executive action on just about everything.
Now for the winners and losers:
WINNERS: Kamala Harris — She was far and away the winner tonight and possibly over the past two nights. She was forceful and she jumped on Biden on racial issues. She comes out in a stronger position than she came in.
Pete Buttigieg — Mayor Pete didn’t really make any mistakes and was cool, calm, and collected nearly to the point of boredom.
LOSERS: Joe Biden — Biden did not have a good debate. His answers seemed to lack a logical connecting thread at times. He also appeared his age. He comes out much weaker than he did come in.
Bernie Sanders — Just a bad performance by Bernie. His answers were rambling and incoherent at times. But this won’t hurt him because he has a base.