631,000 people in Texas receive federal rental assistance

Residents in Texas receiving federal rental assistance numbered 631,000, the third highest tally among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, according to a Center on Budget and Policy Priorities analysis.

The Texas residents receiving assistance come from 277,000 households in the state, the report said. And among those federal aid recipients, 70 percent are either seniors, children or people with disabilities, according to the policy center’s data.

The median monthly rent in the state is $1,050, an amount that includes utilities, the analysis found.

The federal rental assistance program allows 10.4 million low-income Americans in 5.2 million households to afford modest housing, according to the study. And 68 percent of them are seniors, youths or those with disabilities, researchers said.

Half of the recipients nationwide are residents of urban areas, while nearly one-third live in suburbs and 20 percent are rural residents, the study said.

Federal Rental Assistance, State by State

Rank Based on # of People on Rental Assistance State # of People on Rental Assistance
(Rounded Down)
# of Households on Rental Assistance
(Rounded Down)
% of Assisted People Who Are Seniors, Children or Have a Disability Median Rent (Including Utilities)
1 New York 1,218,400 585,000 63% $1,270
2 California 1,062,400 526,000 67% $1,520
3 Texas 631,000 277,000 70% $1,050
4 Florida 451,000 214,000 70% $1,180
5 Ohio 447,300 234,000 70% $800
6 Illinois 440,400 225,000 66% $1,000
7 Pennsylvania 406,700 217,000 72% $930
8 Massachusetts 375,900 195,000 70% $1,300
9 New Jersey 315,700 162,000 68% $1,340
10 Georgia 301,800 140,000 67% $1,010
11 Michigan 272,900 150,000 72% $860
12 North Carolina 263,000 138,000 69% $900
13 Tennessee 218,700 110,000 69% $860
14 Virginia 217,800 106,000 68% $1,220
15 Louisiana 205,500 96,000 69% $850
16 Washington 202,100 103,000 72% $1,320
17 Minnesota 200,600 100,000 72% $970
18 Maryland 199,900 99,000 69% $1,370
19 Alabama 196,100 95,000 68% $790
20 Missouri 176,800 97,000 71% $830
21 Indiana 171,900 93,000 71% $820
22 Kentucky 166,100 85,000 68% $780
23 Connecticut 162,700 83,000 66% $1,170
24 South Carolina 143,200 68,000 68% $890
25 Mississippi 135,400 62,000 67% $780
26 Wisconsin 131,400 78,000 75% $850
27 Colorado 124,600 63,000 72% $1,290
28 Oregon 115,700 61,000 71% $1,130
29 Arizona 107,100 51,000 70% $1,040
30 Oklahoma 104,400 55,000 71% $810
31 Arkansas 97,200 52,000 71% $730
32 District of Columbia 85,800 35,000 60% $1,520
33 Iowa 71,300 43,000 75% $780
34 West Virginia 66,300 36,000 68% $740
35 Rhode Island 63,800 37,000 75% $1,000
36 Kansas 62,800 35,000 74% $840
37 Nevada 59,000 27,000 70% $1,110
38 Hawaii 56,000 22,000 66% $1,610
39 New Mexico 55,500 27,000 71% $830
40 Nebraska 53,800 28,000 72% $830
41 Maine 52,700 33,000 76% $840
42 Utah 41,500 21,000 75% $1,040
43 New Hampshire 38,700 23,000 79% $1,090
44 Idaho 31,200 15,000 76% $850
45 North Dakota 29,000 12,000 72% $810
46 Delaware 28,100 14,000 70% $1,110
47 Montana 26,000 14,000 72% $810
48 South Dakota 26,000 15,000 74% $730
49 Vermont 23,400 14,000 76% $970
50 Alaska 19,000 9,000 68% $1,180
51 Wyoming 9,800 6,000 74% $820

Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities



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