Beware young officers: there are many dangers waiting on the streets just for you.
You must prepare your body and mind for any and all eventualities. Sometimes, there is no warning. It happens and you must react, because there is no one, but you to solve the problem. That’s when you feel the loneliest.
Every encounter with the citizenry is a three-part play: the beginning, the middle, and the end. You are the director and an actor. What happens is ultimately up to you, especially when others fail to follow your directions, which will happen often. That’s where preparations enter. You must be ready and when possible, anticipate the worst, but welcome the best.
At this very moment, there are actors you have never met who are ready to meet you. Don’t expect them to have read or understand the script, for they are governed by the impulse of the moment, often following the influences of other directors, like drugs, alcohol, guns, ego, or a concoction of all four, wrapped in a world foreign to your understanding.
Every act you take must have a lawful purpose, while their actions possess no purpose. It is upon you and only you to survive the encounter and return home, while retaining your career and freedom.
There is no other job like yours and no one in our society really understands or cares. Young officer, the play you have chosen to direct is one where all the actors on stage with you can and will attack you without warning. You must be prepared if you want to survive.
Don’t let them write the epilogue of the play or your epithet of your career—or life.
A bit of advice from an old cop.