SADOW: Stop Trying To Give The Jab To The Kids, Gov. Edwards

What was a strong case against Louisiana public schools requiring a Wuhan coronavirus vaccine for attendance now has become airtight, requiring the Louisiana Legislature to act in the face of defiance by Democrat Gov. John Bel Edwards.

Late last year, Edwards’ Department of Health proposed adding that to the vaccine schedule, but the House Health and Welfare Committee vetoed that over concerns that procedures weren’t properly followed in the rule’s vetting and this overstepped rule-making boundaries. However, statute provides the governor the power to override when the committee has this power, and he did, thereby making this a required vaccination beginning next school year.

But earlier this month, newly disseminated research revealed the minimal effectiveness of one current vaccine against the dominant strain of the virus for children. This highlights the ever-changing nature of the virus (which is characteristic of coronaviruses) that always will leave attempted vaccines behind the curve, making any such mandate largely useless (with influenza having the same mutative characteristic, this is why no regulation ever has come about to force vaccinations for this involving attendance).

And if this didn’t moot any helpfulness a vaccination dictate would have, long-standing statistics showing children almost entirely unaffected by virus contraction also provided compelling evidence of how little use this requirement would have. New data published at the end of last year not only have reaffirmed this, but now show the near-zero impact the virus has on children.

In the first year of the pandemic – and, significantly, when more virulent strains dominated that in the past year have been supplanted by those so lesser – out of over 3,000 children who died in England, just 25 did so from the virus, and of them 19 had a co-morbidity. Even the remaining six researchers weren’t sure if some undiagnosed co-morbidity had played a role in their deaths. Since nearly half a million (known; the figure could be much higher) children contracted the virus in that period, that made the infection fatality rate a microscopic 0.005 percent, and only one-quarter of that for apparently healthy children.


More alarmingly, as part of research trying to ascertain why children weather the virus so much better than adults, vaccines were discovered disproportionately to cause harmful side effects among children. While children get sick from the virus it extremely rarely becomes worse than any other childhood virus, and arguably with almost zero risk from the virus but elevated risk from the vaccine, becoming vaccinated may carry more harmful risk than not.

Under these circumstances, it’s reckless to children’s health for Edwards and LDH to persist, but they seem unwilling to reconsider. Keep in mind as well that any such child vaccination requirement doesn’t protect adults, because vaccination only acts as a prophylactic for the recipient, who still can transmit it to others.

Fortunately, the legislative tool is at hand to prevent this policy travesty from going into effect. HCR 3 by Republican state Rep. Larry Bagley would invoke state law to repeal the new mandate, a process which requires only majorities in favor in each chamber without any opportunity for gubernatorial intervention afterwards. As the evidence continues to accumulate considering the absence of wisdom behind Edwards’ choice, legislators must trigger this abnegation to protect not only children’s ability to attend schools, but also possibly their good health as well.



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