Every year, offshore anglers stare longingly at the Gulf of Mexico, just counting the days until they can drop cut, live or artificial baits down to the red snapper that absolutely carpet the bottom.
Well, that season opened less than two weeks ago, and I got to get in on the fun while fishing a media event for the Golden Meadow-Fourchon Tarpon Rodeo. Let’s just say we didn’t have any trouble catching our limits.
Check out the video for all the details!
#fishing #snapper #offshorefishing
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Get your music from SoundStripe (enter code MARSHMAN10 for 10% off): https://bit.ly/3t9M7kJ GoPro Media Mod: https://amzn.to/3zatqTa GoPro 8: https://amzn.to/2ZlIlsh GoPro 9: https://amzn.to/3EA2A8r GoPro chest mount: https://amzn.to/2OthF1O Refuel 9-hour GoPro battery: https://amzn.to/374nnQr Sony a6000: https://amzn.to/2UJ6eIW Apple MacBook Pro: https://amzn.to/3LTBNKb
Fishing gear:
Matrix Mullet: https://bit.ly/3uXVOG2 Fishlab Flutter Nymph: http://bit.ly/3tvMdoY SB-57 crankbait: http://bit.ly/3Eq1ZrX Pro’s Choice soft stickbait: https://bit.ly/2TP69CW Versamaxx Knocker: https://bit.ly/3dyZ8yu Deathgrip Jigheads: https://bit.ly/2TPIguK Matrix Shad: https://bit.ly/2Gf7VoF Rotomolded Bruin coolers: https://bit.ly/2tGYMTe
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- https://matrixshad.com
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- http://www.deathgripjigheads.com
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- https://rat-l-trap.com
- https://www.plaqueminesparishtourism.com
- https://habitoutdoors.com
- https://avid-boats.com
- https://hawksoapco.com
- https://zstackle.com
- https://www.palomalakela.com
- Chag’s Sporting Goods, Metairie, La.
- Salt Strong (https://bit.ly/40PercentOffPrawns)