Hennessy Salutes Those Who Make a Difference in the Life of a Child

It’s that time of year! When big box stores line their main front isles with shelves of every type of looseleaf paper and every kind of notebook known to man, pencils and erasers, crayons, glue, scissors, and backpacks. It’s the dreaded and ever costly back to school “Supply Lists”!

And, in case you do not have school aged children, you may not have noticed how outrageous some of these supply lists have become.

Not just the basics mentioned above. But, add Kleenex Deluxe ‘Extra Soft’ tissues with lotion, Ziploc Power Shield quart slider storage bags, Lysol Lemon Scented Disinfecting Wipes that can kill the COVID 19 virus, Super-sized bottles of Unscented Hand Sanitizer, adjustable Headphones but not earbuds, Plastic Crayon storage container with ‘only’ the dimensions of 3.5 length and 1.5 height, Black Expo Chisel Point Markers. Now, these are just some of the specific items I have heard this year, as a sitting member of the Livingston Parish School Board. Specific and more expensive items like this may be great if Daddy is the CEO of a Chemical Company.

But, not for the working class who bust their tails to pay the electric bills and put food on the table. What happened to the basics like pencils, a spiral notebook and paper? Well, the same could be asked of the good ole solid core classes like Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic and Cursive Writing? But that’s a topic for another day.

Then you must add in school supply ‘fees’ anywhere from $35 to $65. A Snack Fee in many Elementary Schools of $35. PE Uniforms that come in at a fee of $40. There’s also a Computer Fee that averages 40 bucks. Plus, throw in an additional $35 plus dollars for Club dues.

And don’t forget Sports Fees if you child plays any type of sports or they cheer, dance, or play in the band. This is for public school which is supposed to provide every child with a free education. Did I miss something?

Well, yes, I did. There’s also the teacher Amazon Wish Lists where you can log on, select a teacher, and help them by purchasing everything they need to completely and often quite elaborately ‘decorate their classrooms’ in every category from “Under the Big Top” Circus themes to Outer Space Star Wars Themes!


I am not trying to put down on our amazing educators who so often use their own personal funds to purchase uniforms for their students in need. So many of our teachers purchase supplies for their students who can’t afford them, so that child won’t get punished like not being allowed to attend school activities or field trips, which they also help fund. Teachers will also use their own money to send extra food home with students whom they notice are taking an extra cafeteria roll or two and hiding them in their pockets. Yes, so many teachers and our school support staff often go above and beyond, for very little take home pay and very little reward.

Then get ready for the thousands of school supply drives across our state. I just attended a great one that was well organized by Pastor Perry Jones at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Chaneyville. They had motivational speakers, health screenings, creative art activities, library services, about a dozen inflatable jump houses and giant slides to promote fun physical activities. Not to mention, some of the most delicious nachos, hamburgers, and hotdogs all cooked to perfection by the Elders at the Church. They also handed out backpacks filled with supplies and learning games to about 320 kiddos accompanied by some very grateful parents and grandparents. It was well planned by the Pastor and his staff, and some local sponsors!

In Livingston Parish, Assessor Jeff Taylor puts his office and community volunteers to work outside local shopping centers to collect money for needy kids across Livingston Parish. Taylor says they have raised more than a million dollars over the years to make sure no child is left behind. While making sure those in need have the tools they need to succeed. They use the donations to purchase in bulk, to increase the supplies they can donate to local schools.

Like anything else in life, there are wants versus needs. I am not at all trying to belittle an enthusiastic educator who wants a creative classroom to help promote creative thinking while helping to encourage   a child’s imagination. I am also not trying to downplay the community outreach which surround us in a struggling economy where the cost of everything rises except cost-of-living wages. But I challenge you, if you’re able, go out and sponsor a teacher’s classroom or donate to a school supply drive. What greater reward can you get, than knowing you made a difference in the life a child? Let’s come together and do our part to give every child a chance to be the best they can be!



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