One red-haired, red-bearded Virginia man has been red-pilling much of America. Oliver Anthony has been going viral in an unprecedented way playing a dobro in front of his dogs and deer stand—cicadas chorusing—as he sings passionately about the American grind and political double standards. Don’t be confused, his song “Rich Men North of Richmond” is not anti-work, it’s about working your life away without taking home the money earned from working.
Oliver Anthony’s voice echoes and encourages others to know we are all humans, yet somehow we are accepting of a caste system in which the elites are politicians and the people who work are their slaves. Oliver is a wordsmith wasting not an utterance in the lyrics as he calls out the system for what it is: rigged against the populace.
The media wants to squash the populist hit song, attempting to insert race and divisive interpretations. They try to push their victim culture, perpetuate negative stereotypes about Southerners, steer Anthony’s lyrics at everyday people despite the song title–but their angles are simply not true. Juxtaposed against the media and politicians seeking dominant control, “Rich Men North of Richmond” makes listeners think.
We live in strange times. You can watch the song resonate with Americans on YouTube, acknowledging the reality that politicians hurt the American people. Search for yourself or click these links to witness. The reactions come from people of all different income levels, from different areas, different upbringings, different environments, and of different ethnical origins. The raw responses tell more than articles by the BBC or New York Times—media outlets probably nervous that Oliver Anthony might body them next. The reactions show the song eviscerate divisive identity politics, the apparatus used by politicians and media to distract Americans from the real issues that crush American freedoms.
This is a moment in America. And while no one seems to know what that moment is or where it’s going, it feels like a uniting of people of all races, ages, and locations. The song and its message appeals because it tells straight facts as opposed to the politicians and the media that oppose free talk. They want people to argue over race, religion, and gender dysphoria to fuel division and differences upon the world. The political machine and its communications branch do not want you to discuss Jeffrey Epstein’s island or Ghislane Maxwell’s client list, they lie and cover up stories to advance public bickering instead of debating topics that could truly change American life.
Oliver Anthony painfully and beautifully sings in a way that wakes listeners up: we know the American system has turned to bullshit. Taxes turn people into slaves, if you don’t pay you get the whip. Abolish taxes, free ourselves.
We work and the government gets a cut of money for everything we do. Federal income tax, sales tax, state income tax, property tax, payroll tax, it never ends until you die with some money in your savings and your family pays your death tax. People can’t save. A massive percentage of the population lives hand-to-hand whether they make $35,000 a year or $135,000 a year. The American people are slaves working for their masters and it is time for abolition. The politicians in Washington, D.C., have the power to end taxes.
In 2020 when the government forced lockdowns and intervened in people’s ability to earn income, what did the government do to help? They provided the PPP program which was taxpayer money going to cover the cost of three months of your company’s payroll. This means money accumulated from taxing people was lightly distributed through companies to employees, and what happened in that process? The employees’ pay was taxed through payroll taxes. That means the government took a cut from the money they “gave” companies to help. Do you understand? Politicians do not care about you, it’s about what comes back to them.
In 2020 the left revealed how much they were being played when asking for a set dollar amount for minimum wage. They may have gained support had they asked for lower income taxes. Spoiler Alert: tax reduction was never a real consideration and since the minimum wage goal was $15 per hour, we’ve watched inflation occur. Had they said, keep wages the same, but let workers take home our earnings, then the minimum wage would mean more.
This is not a Left or Right issue, the Democrat politicians and the Republican politicians are different sides of the same coin, and that coin is plucked from all of our pockets. Taxation is an American issue that is never addressed in the capitol for removal. Anyone defending politicians or taxes most likely benefits from taxes stolen from people like me and people like you.
Oliver Anthony is waking more people up to the idea that taxes make us slaves and we have reached another time of reckoning, another era of true government change, a new era of abolition in which taxes end and people stop working for their masters north of Richmond.
The American system as it is today is a boondoggle and a great area to fix starts with tax abolition. 2024 is an election year, we the people of America can make tax abolition a campaign issue—and if the rich men north of Richmond don’t address the topic of ending taxes, they should face the consequences.