“Democrat Don” Schexnaydre Is Trying To Defraud The Voters Of House District 88

Democrat Don must think the people of District 88 are stupid.

Don Schexnaydre did not list a party affiliation when he first announced in May that he would challenge incumbent State Representative Kathy Edmonston (R-Gonzales) in the upcoming election. Now we know why.

One phone call to the Registrar of Voters last week confirmed that Donald J. Schexnaydre switched parties from Democrat to Republican just three short weeks ago.

As conservatives, we welcome new members to the Republican Party. As concerned citizens, we trust but verify.

What we have verified is that Donald J. Schexnaydre is a lifelong Democrat who doesn’t appear to live in our new District 88. Don Schexnaydre’s apparent support for the gender mutilation of our children might go over well with his fellow Democrats, but the people of our district are passionate about protecting our children from life-altering, irreversible surgeries.

As though switching parties three weeks ago and not living in the district isn’t bad enough, Don Schexnaydre’s voting record on the Sorrento Town Council is an abomination.

Don Schexnaydre wrote in his announcement published in Wade Petite’s “Pelican Post”, “Without Public Safety, police and fire protection, no community can thrive.” But it is Democrat Don Schexnaydre who voted to abolish the Sorrento Police Department.

State Representative Kathy Edmonston, on the other hand, has authored and co-authored multiple bills to ensure our Law Enforcement Officers and all our First Responders are compensated and appreciated as they protect and serve our communities.

Don Schexnaydre said cooperation with local governments has been lacking over the last three years, but it is hothead Democrat Don who was seen screaming at former mayor of Sorrento Mike Lambert at Town Council meetings.

At a recent candidate forum, Don Schexnaydre claimed to be the brains behind the whole JumpStart program. JumpStart is a statewide vocational internship program that connects some of our state’s brightest young minds with industry leaders and prepares them for the world ahead.

After talking with several elected representatives, state and local agency personnel, and Ascension Parish voters, it is clear Don Schexnaydre did not tell the truth about his role in creating the JumpStart program.

Representative Edmonston had a real role in jump-starting JumpStart and responded, “When I served as an elected member on BESE, I was proud to partner with my fellow board members and the Legislature to launch the wildly successful JumpStart career and technical education program. Two legislators had wisely promoted the idea, and it was the LDOE and BESE that designed the program, implemented it, and ensured quality and funding to be successful. Furthermore, in my time on BESE and the Legislature, I worked hard to expand students’ access to training courses leading to national industry certifications, expand high school teacher training for career courses, start internships and work-based learning opportunities, and help student with disabilities have access to these opportunities as well.”


They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. Don Schexnaydre must think highly of State Representative Kathy Edmonston, as he tries to steal her ideas to increase vocational training for Louisiana’s students and present them as his own.

State Representative Kathy Edmonston voted to be fiscally conservative with taxpayers’ money. Edmonston voted against busting the spending cap and against setting the State of Louisiana up for the very real possibility of a $2 BILLION BUDGET SHORTFALL in two years.

That potential budget shortfall became even more real with the Biden administration’s recent decision to limit offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, a move that will hurt our economy for years to come.

Don Schexnaydre called Edmonston’s vote against busting the spending cap a “meaningless, performative vote”. Donny Come Lately appears all too willing to go to Baton Rouge and “go along to get along”, recklessly spending our hard-earned money so he can get along with the good old boys club and asking us to pay more taxes later for the problems his votes create.

Democrat Don Schexnaydre probably thinks he can pull one over on the good people of our parish. Don Schexnaydre probably thought the people of District 88 would be too lazy or stupid to do our homework.

Donald Schexnaydre is wrong.

A leopard doesn’t change its spots. Democrat Don Schexnaydre hasn’t changed anything either – including his home address.

Don’t let Democrat Don Schexnaydre take your District 88 votes and our tax dollars for a ride.

Re-elect Louisiana Freedom Caucus member and State Representative Kathy Edmonston.

Conservative voice. Conservative vote.



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