Katie Bernhardt Got Deposed Over The Weekend

Over most of the state on Saturday, save for the disastrous sheriff’s race in Shreveport in which Democrat Henry Whitehorn outlasted Republican John Nickelson, elections were ho-hum affairs.

Particularly at the top of the ballot, where Joe Biden and Donald Trump had already cinched the presidential nominations. Biden got 86 percent of the Democrat votes; Trump got 90 percent of the Republican vote.

But in one hilariously entertaining downballot race we saw the end of the weird political career of one Katie Bernhardt, who a year ago as Democrat Party chair in Louisiana was cryptically threatening to run for governor and is now licking her wounds after getting throttled 64-36 in her race to retain a seat on the Democrat State Central Committee.

You don’t have to be on the DSCC to chair the party, but as a matter of practicality you aren’t going to be the chair if you aren’t on the committee. And you certainly aren’t going to be the chair if 64 percent of the Democrats in your district just voted you out.

Bernhardt fell afoul of an organized effort, called Blue Reboot, which was aimed at dumping her from the chairmanship of the Democrat Party in the state.  That’s been a thing for a while, at least ever since she engineered one of the most eye-popping defeats a political party has ever seen. Democrats were turned almost completely out of political power in Louisiana – they won no statewide offices and didn’t even mount a credible challenge to any, and they’re almost completely wiped out of the state legislature in districts that aren’t majority black,

The Democrats’ chosen nominee for governor, Shawn Wilson, couldn’t even force Jeff Landry into a runoff with four other Republicans and an independent on the ballot. That’s how bad it was.

And then Wilson turned on Bernhardt. He put out a statement in advance of Saturday’s elections touting Blue Reboot…

“The current party chair failed us in the last election,” he said. “It’s time to elect leadership that reflects the voters of this state — and a chair who won’t put personal ambition ahead of the people they are elected to serve.”

What’s funniest about this is they’ve been calling for Bernhardt’s head since October, and she’s refused to call a meeting of the DSCC – which under the rules she’s not supposed to do. The reason is obvious: had she called a meeting, somebody would make a motion to vacate the chair and it would pass.


So instead there’s an election and Madeleine Brumley Clavier, a leftist personal injury lawyer from the Blue Reboot team, annihilates Bernhardt by a 64-36 count. The voters did what the DSCC members couldn’t do, which was to send an unmistakable message that the Katie party is over.

So who’s going to replace Bernhardt? So far it looks like the same two candidates are still the likeliest choices. The “moderate” of the bunch is former state representative Randal Gaines, who formerly chaired the Legislative Black Caucus. Then there’s the “progressive,” that being Public Service Commissioner Davante Lewis, a crypto-gay pro-Hamas Democratic Socialists of America flag-bearer who touts DEI, the Green New Deal and every other anti-Western civilization initiative possible.

Lewis held off a challenge for his PSC seat by Preston Castille, a more moderate BESE member, in a 54-46 two-way race. Gaines won a three-way race with 48 percent.

But given what the Blue Reboot gang and Lewis’ communist pals who are now taking over that party are for, it might not be to the Democrats’ favor when people do start noticing their party meetings again, assuming they go back to having them.

Because yes, it can get worse for them. It’s conceivable they might even miss Katie when she’s gone – though that isn’t likely.




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