KOENIG: VP Harris Slanders Louisiana over Sen. Pressly’s SB 276

This week, US Vice President Kamala Harris put Louisiana elected officials on blast over social media. On Twitter/X, VP Harris slandered Louisiana state senator Thomas Pressly and his bill (SB 276).

In her posts, VP Harris falsely claimed that Senator Pressly is banning the possession of medications Mifepristone and Misoprostol. She then somehow connected President Trump to this legislation even though he had nothing to do with Pressly’s legislation.

For context, Pressly’s bill passed both chambers of the Louisiana Legislature this month by significant margins–by a 29-7 vote in the state Senate and a 64-29 vote in the state House.

Sadly, VP Harris and other fearmongers among Louisiana’s political Far-Left (e.g. Rep. Mandie Landry and Rep. Aimee Freeman) have blatantly misrepresented this bill. I don’t know if these elected officials are either ignorant of or lying about Pressly’s legislation, but these politicians are surely echoing the dishonest, pro-death narratives coming from regime media outlets.

If you read Senator Pressly’s bill (SB 276), then you would know that Pressly is not “endangering women.” Pressly’s bill–dubbed the “The Catherine and Josephine Herring Act”– makes two major changes to Louisiana law:

#1: Criminalizing the coerced abortion of a pregnant woman via abortifacients without her knowledge

#2: Prohibiting the possession of Mifepristone and Misoprostol without a valid prescription (i.e. a Schedule 4 substance)

If you read Pressly’s bill, then you would know that everything Vice-President Harris is saying about Louisiana is untrue. Check out the legislation for yourself if you’re curious.

On my substack Louisiana First Standard‘s Twitter/X account, I posted a thread that clears up the facts about Pressly’s SB 276. So, you can check out these posts below for a quick summary of this situation:

Generally, the detractors of Pressly’s legislation have failed to share the reason why Sen Pressly proposed this bill. Thankfully, the Shreveport Times gave a fair assessment of this legislation’s origin:

“‘Republican Shreveport Sen. Thomas Pressly brought Senate Bill 276 on behalf of his sister Catherine Pressly Herring and victims like her in legislation “that has a significant personal impact on my personal life and my family … so we can help prevent it from happening to someone else in the future.’

Pressly was emotional when describing the bravery of his sister in testifying and publicly sharing her experience, which has become a national story.

Herring, who lives in Houston, said her husband Mason Herring tried to poison her and the baby seven times “in a wicked act of deception.” They had been married for 10 years and had two children together, but their marriage had become rocky because of his suspected infidelity.

In February, Mason Herring pleaded guilty to injuring a child and the assault of a pregnant person and was sentenced to six months in jail after reaching a plea deal with the district attorney, a sentence Catherine Herring said was inadequate for the crime.”

Fortunately, several elected officials came to Senator Pressly’s defense. Governor Jeff Landry and Attorney General Liz Murrill both responded to VP Harris’s smear attempts and SB 276.


It’s a good sign for Louisiana when the failed Biden administration is singling out our state in such a way. Louisiana is finally starting to promote truly conservative, “Louisiana First” policy, and the country at-large is starting to notice–even VP Kamala Harris in this case.

We have a long way to go in our quest to make Louisiana a prosperous state morally, economically, and physically. However, we’ve come a long way in just five months in comparison to the days of John Bel Edwards’s gubernatorial administration.

Common-sense pro-family and pro-life policies run counter to the Biden regime. Despite a hostile Federal government, Louisiana should continue promoting more “Louisiana First” legislation going forward.

Nathan Koenig is a frequent contributor to RVIVR.com, a national conservative political site affiliated with The Hayride. Follow his writing on the Louisiana First Standard Substack, on Twitter (X) @LAfirststandard, and on Instagram @tincanconservative. Email him here: louisianafirststandard@proton.me



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