It’s Becoming Clear That Trump Is The Bait In The Regime’s Crab Trap

If you watched any of the House hearing yesterday at which Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle testified, or actually didn’t, seeing as though she didn’t bother to answer a single question presented to her by the members of the House Oversight Committee, you likely have come to the same conclusion that I have.

Which is that simple incompetence cannot explain what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, and what happened there was a lot more sinister than that.

Cheatle wouldn’t say how many shell casings were found on the roof of the American Glass Research building, just 150 yards from where Trump was speaking 10 days ago when he was shot. That is a fundamentally important detail, as it indicates how many times Thomas Crooks was able to fire before he was taken down by a countersniper.

We know – or we assume – that Crooks fired at least four times, because four people were hit. But if there were less than four shell casings found, that would indicate more than one shooter and we would now know there was an assassination plot.

Cheatle also said that the recordings of the radio chatter from the Secret Service on that day are not available. Apparently those recordings have been destroyed. If you understand the concept of spoliation of evidence, as a legal presumption when you destroy evidence it’s to be taken as though that evidence would have been damaging to your cause. And if the Secret Service destroyed the recordings of that radio chatter we can assume there were things on those recordings which would not be beneficial to the Secret Service.

We know that Crooks was identified as a threat to Trump an hour before the former president took the stage in Butler, and yet the Secret Service didn’t hold him until Crooks could be found. We also know that the Secret Service did not have an open channel to communicate with state and local law enforcement in real time – all communications went through an intermediary.

And we know that the Secret Service didn’t show up for an advance run-through meeting with the other members of the security team on the morning of July 13.

Then there is the question of Secret Service agents stationed inside the AGR building while Crooks was on the roof, something which is inexplicable. The building had a metal roof; it would have been impossible not to hear him up there.

Then there is the fact that Jill Biden was in Pittsburgh on Saturday for a small indoor event and drew 12 Secret Service agents while Trump was at an outdoor event with 50,000 attendees, with an identified threat of an assassination plot by Iran against him, and he had only four. The remainder of the security team came from the Department of Homeland Security temp pool, and it was pretty obvious they didn’t know what they were doing.

And then there is the fact Thomas Crooks, known by his classmates as a computer geek, had no social media. Which is a lie; he encrypted his socials. And apparently had offshore bank accounts? A 20-year-old who emptied bedpans and served pudding cups at a nursing home?

I could go on and on.

There are too many details here which are inconsistent with simple incompetence. The old saw is to never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence, and that’s fair, but we’re beyond the point at which incompetence is the explanation.

The Secret Service, or elements within, and Cheatle cannot receive the benefit of the doubt in this matter given her complete stonewalling of Congressional oversight on top of all of the strange details of the case, was involved in facilitating that assassination attempt.


How involved? We don’t know.

But consider the analogy of a crab trap.

You bait the trap and you drop it to the waterbottom, and then you leave it alone.

You don’t watch the trap. You don’t have to. You know that if there are crabs on that waterbottom they will find the bait and start eating on it. And later, when you pick up the trap, you’ll have crabs.

I’ll bet that if a forensic examination is done of the security posture at Trump’s campaign appearances this cycle, there will be multiple glaring weaknesses found at most of those events.

If not all of them.

My guess is that this trap has been baited for a long time, and it was merely a matter of time before a crab wandered in to take that bait.

It was divine intervention which kept Trump alive 10 days ago.

But for that, he would have been assassinated and this country as we know it would have ended.

And our government was involved. It’s very difficult to see things any other way.

UPDATE: And now Cheatle has resigned, which means she’s going to be made the scapegoat for what happened in Butler and we’ll be told we should “move on” from that debacle.

And no further investigations are warranted. To do so would be indicative of a “conspiracy theory” and counterproductive.

Unless, of course, it happens again. When you go crabbing, as you know, you never just put out one crab trap – you bring several to the scene.



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