The sickness that has pervaded the political left in recent years that, displaying an authoritarian ethos, declares its opponents as twisted if not evil. It is a Democrat Caddo Parish Commissioner put on full display in reacting to the unsuccessful assassination of Republican former Pres. Donald Trump this past weekend.
At a rally on Saturday, while making a speech Trump suddenly halted after popping noises rang out and blood appeared running down the right side of his face as Secret Service personnel took him to the ground and huddled over him momentarily, then hauled him off stage. A bullet from nearly 150 yards away had pierced the top of his ear, and others wounded and killed spectators before the would-be assassin was located and shot dead by snipers.
Anybody viewing the incident, whether afterwards from recordings, could tell immediately what had happened. Agents don’t dogpile on their charge and rush him away if they aren’t highly suspicious that bullets are headed his way, and it’s not firecrackers or children’s popguns or a Bidenesque stumble if blood is so visible on the intended target. Two plus two always should equal four, even to student journalists much less to so-called professionals.
Some media deduced that within minutes and accordingly, if appropriately cautiously, reported the event as a possible assassination attempt. Yet others, armed with the same knowledge, played down the obvious “incident,” until they couldn’t hold out any longer and retain an appearance of respectability, as if fearful to admit that this happened would open them and their political allies up to questioning about whether their overheated and exaggerated rhetoric accusing Trump of representing little short of Satan’s ascendancy over mankind fomented the attempt on his life.
Worse, almost immediately some leftists began framing the attempt as a false flag political move to build campaign sympathy for Trump, such as the political adviser to an eight-figure donor to leftist causes and candidates. It was in this vein that Democrat Caddo Parish Commissioner Steffon Jones made his ill-advised opining over the attempt.
Jones, in a couple of social media posts, appeared to consider the attempt as “theatrics” that people needed to “stop being blind to it,” thereby implying that the whole thing was staged. Apparently among others, for the original post now deleted, Democrat former Mayor Adrian Perkins approved of it.
After castigation on social media, Jones issued a mealy-mouthed faux apology that moved into the worst iteration of all, joining other leftists in blaming the victim by stating “I also believe it is essential to consider the broader context of our discourse. While my statement was made in error, it is equally crucial to recognize and condemn the years of divisive rhetoric that have been propagated by various figures. It is essential that we hold everyone accountable for their words and actions, especially those that contribute to a culture of divisiveness and intolerance.”
There is no reason he would weasel out of responsibility for his own derangement on the issue by claiming the “context” made him do it unless he claimed he was just emulating in tone what he assigned as the mode of behavior attached to his political opponents like Trump and, by transitory implication because he attaches “divisiveness and intolerance” to those who oppose his agenda that Trump represents, those who support the GOP candidate for president. That would include not only some of his fellow commissioners, but also some of his constituents as well as parish residents as a whole he pledged to serve and serve honorably.
He should have quit before digging his hole irreparably deep. This excuse to demonize those disagreeing with him on the issues – via a pathetic appeal that to fight a phantom existential extremist threat requires extreme measures – from a mind in making political judgements so addled to the point it cannot separate truth from fiction disqualifies him from holding public office. His needs to try again with a sincere apology, blaming only his own inadequacies that would demonstrate an ability to learn and grow from his mistakes. Inability to do that disqualifies him from holding elective office.