MARSALA: So, About Those 13 Million Extra Joe Biden Votes In 2020…

Yesterday’s voting results shed light on the 2020 election. Let’s start with a data point that the Dems represented that Kamala Harris would get more votes than Joe Biden did in 2024.

When we look at the numbers over the last 16 years, the mean is near 68,000,000 votes for the Dems in Presidential elections.  That is approximately what Harris received last night.

Somehow in 2020, Joe Biden got 13,000,000 more votes than Obama, Clinton, and Harris received in their elections. The GOP candidate has steadily increased their votes since 2008.

When the GOP has questioned the 81,000,000 votes for Biden in 2020, the media has called them election deniers rather than do investigative reporting and learn how Joe Biden turned out 13,000,000 more voters or almost 20% more than Obama, Clinton, and Harris turned out. The math for Joe’s election doesn’t add up.


Dem Candidate 70,000,000

GOP Candidate 60,000,000


Dem Candidate 66,000,000

GOP Candidate 61,000,000


Dem Candidate 67,000,000

GOP Candidate 63,000,000

Other Party Candidates 7,000,000


Dem Candidate 81,000,000

GOP Candidate 74,000,000

2024 (projected)

Dem Candidate 68,000,000

GOP Candidate 73,000,000

Back in July of 2021, Rich Truesdell wrote a piece at which delivered a painstaking analysis of Biden’s 81 million votes and concluded it simply wasn’t possible…

Think about this for a minute. In 2008, Barack Obama, in a history-making, transformative election, received 69,498,516 votes. Biden, with 81,268.924 votes in 2020, basically campaigning from his basement, received 11,770,408 more votes in 2020. I don’t believe that for a minute.

In 2012, it was much the same thing, Obama received 65,915,795 votes, Biden in 2020, with 81,268.924 votes, received 15,353,129 more votes (and remember that Biden was Obama’s running mate in both 2008 and 2012).

In context, does Biden’s vote haul in 2020 make any sense to you? It doesn’t to me.

In 2016, in an election that Trump won, beating Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College while losing the national popular vote (thanks to her overwhelming pluralities in population-rich blue states like California and New York), Clinton received 65,853,514 votes, virtually the same as Obama received in 2012. In 2020, Biden received 15,415,401 more votes than Clinton in her losing effort against Trump where she lost in the Electoral College, 304–227.

That number of 65,000,000 votes is significant. It almost appears to be a Democrat voter ceiling in national elections.

I find that in looking back at the 2020 election results, I am very suspicious about Biden’s vote haul in the middle of a pandemic. This at a time where many people could not vote in person. I simply don’t believe that Biden got anywhere near 81,000,000 votes.

Look at the numbers. Historically, how can you explain that Biden, literally campaigning in his basement, not mounting a credible campaign, and picking one of the most universally despised running mates in United States History — Kamala Harris who polled less than 2% when she ran in the 2020 Democrat primaries — got than 15,000,000 more votes than Obama in 2012 and Clinton in 2016?

How can this be explained?

It really can’t.

Truesdell, and others like him, were trashed as conspiracy nuts by the elite media and deplatformed by Big Tech social platforms. But interestingly enough, his analysis takes on far greater weight in the aftermath of Tuesday’s results which conform to the ceiling of 65-70 million votes he notes is the best the Democrats can typically do.

We’ll never get a full accounting of how that 81 million vote total was achieved. But now it seems quite clear Biden’s election was more than just anomalous. It was suspicious in the extreme and perhaps even sinister.

It’s important that Congress passes, and President Trump signs, a package of election integrity measures early next year. Among them might be…

  • some sort of voter ID requirement in federal elections beyond just a driver’s license, since blue states are giving those to illegal aliens and registering them to vote in violation of the law;
  • a federal citizenship requirement for voting in federal elections with some criminal teeth (as in, if you’re caught voting in a U.S. election as a non-citizen you’re subject to immediate deportation);
  • requiring the Census to report only citizens, rather than “residents,” in making counts which affect congressional apportionment;
  • the passage of the SAVE Act;
  • a requirement that states keep clean voter rolls on a quarterly, or preferably monthly, basis in order to weed out dead people and those who have moved away;
  • greatly limiting the use of mail-in ballots in federal elections; and
  • greatly limiting ballot-harvesting operations in federal elections.

That 81 million votes number is a disgraceful sore thumb in American political history. It’s even more so given Harris’ performance on Tuesday.



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